Yet again someone told me how he loved that I’m leading by example with producing less trash and not flying.
I’m not leading by example by eating fresh fruits and vegetables or connecting with my community and spending more time with family any more than I’m leading by example by eating and breathing.
If someone thinks these things take effort or deserve praise, they are stuck in an old system that thinks avoiding pollution is a burden, chore, or obligation. I don’t care that most of 7.8 billion people subscribe to that system, I call it old. I can’t live that way any more, to believe that avoiding polluting detracts from life. It adds.
If you believe not polluting is hard, you’ll communicate it with every action. You’ll imply to everyone not to reduce pollution, not to take responsibility. You’ll be leading by example—leading people to keep polluting, probably what they don’t want to do.
I’m enjoying life. I don’t avoid doof as a chore, burden, or obligation. I do it for love of fresh food, farmers I know, saving money, saving time, and eating more delicious food. I’m happy if people see me as a role model and follow, but I’m not leading by example by spending more time with family and community by not flying any more than I’m leading by breathing.
Separately from living by my values, I also try to lead, hence my podcast, TEDx talks, keynotes, and books.