Breakthrough Science on Leadership and Why You Shouldn’t Read This Article

My article yesterday, “Breakthrough Science on Leadership and Why You Shouldn’t Read This Article” began

Breakthrough Science on Leadership and Why You Shouldn’t Read This Article

How great leaders who never learned leadership from science, books, or classes became great.

As a leader, entrepreneur, and professor, I used to enjoy TED talks and learning about frontier science. Do you feel, watching them, like I felt: “This is forefront stuff. Since most people don’t know it, I can use it to get ahead!”?

Same with Malcolm Gladwell books: “He knows breaking research. When I know it too, I’ll have an insight to get ahead.”

We want the latest research to get ahead, to give us an edge.

Sounds great. Only that’s not how greats get great.

The Folly of TED and the Best Seller

Read the rest at Breakthrough Science on Leadership and Why You Shouldn’t Read This Article.

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