The Conscious Millionaire: How to Develop Effective Leadership Skills

J V Crum III hosts a podcast called the Conscious Millionaire. He helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs succeed. He also interviewed me and posted our conversation today.
He and I have talked before and since and I like his mission and approach, which I’ve learned from. For example, he’s inspired me to include him in my Leadership and the Environment slide show for his using a diabetes diagnosis and vastly improve his life.
We spoke about the shortcomings of traditional education and our common experiences learning more effectively through experience, which develops authenticity, genuineness, integrity, etc.
I walked through exercises from my course. We talked about mindsets for success, helping people, and more.

Listen to the conversation!

J V Crum III interviews Joshua Spodek on the Conscious Millionaire podcast
J V Crum III interviews Joshua Spodek on the Conscious Millionaire podcast

Listen to the conversation!

Here are the show notes:

781: Joshua Spodek: How to Develop Effective Leadership Skills

Join us as Joshua Spodek shares his insights and knowledge on how to build a high-growth business and coaching practice. This is the show for heart-centered business owners, entrepreneurs, and coaches who want to make your First Million! Get the insider’s track on how you can make a Big Impact and Big Profits.

Revealed how you can create wealth by uplifting and transforming others. On each episode, you get coaching from JV Crum III, MBA, JD, MS Psy and his guests. Each show provides you with golden nuggets on how you can reach your goals faster. Topics include: mindset, personal development, strategic thinking, marketing and sales systems, conscious business and goal achievement.

Today’s guest, Joshua, is the bestselling author of Leadership Step by Step, is an Adjunct Professor at NYU, leadership coach and workshop leader for Columbia Business School, columnist for Inc., and founder of He helped build a satellite for NASA, co-founded and led several ventures, and holds six patents.

Expert Areas

Leadership Education

The Big Success

One of Josh’s biggest successes was when he realized the only way to make money was to help people and make the world better.

Guest’s 3 Golden Nuggets

Learn a skill through experience

Do the thing you want to do

Daily habits

24 Hours to  Close High-Paying Client

Stick with structure of talk to who you know quickly and meaningfully

Recommended Book

Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher – Get the Book

Getting Things Done by David Allen  – Get the Book

Get “Conscious Millionaire” Book

Recommended App

Free Plane – mind mapping tool

What “Conscious” Means

Where you are mentally

Our Guest’s Ideal Legacy

Josh wants to see his leadership success applied to climate change to improve lives and the environment.

A “Cause” to Support

The Eden Project –

Listen to the conversation!

About J V, from his about page:

About the Founder – J V Crum III


 J V Crum III, JD, MBA, became a self-made entrepreneur millionaire in his twenties. He is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, certified business coach, licensed attorney, serial entrepreneur, Huffington Post Columnist on conscious business, and is host of the #1 Ranked “Conscious Millionaire Podcast”, which broadcasts M-F. He is the Founder and CEO of Conscious Millionaire Institute LLC, a global entrepreneur business coaching, training, and wealth-product business.

J V has been an entrepreneur since the age of 4, when he set up his pup tent to sell “hand-squeezed tangerine juice” to high-school students when they got off the bus. At the age of 5, he decided the answer to his family’s often rocky and uncertain financial life, was to grow up to become a millionaire. Like many kids who grew up with a lot of financial certainty, he dreamed of a different life.

By the age of twenty-five he had realized that dream and celebrated by purchasing a new luxury home on the water and his first Mercedes. He had the “American Dream”.

Life was great, except for one thing. J V quickly realized that his childhood dream had not included the truly important parts of life, such as feeling a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment. Although he had all the trappings of wealth and success on the outside, he felt empty inside.

This awareness led him to two decades of searching, which included reading extensively in the areas of both human potential and spirituality, attending programs such as Tony Robbins, and participating in spiritual retreats. J V wanted more and was determined to discover the answer to what was missing in his life.

Seeking a Larger Purpose…

Ultimately, he sold the companies and went off to seek the meaningful life that he was missing. J V learned to meditate at Gampo Abbey, a Buddhist Monastery in Nova Scotia, Canada; then he delved into his inner psyche by doing work-study at Esalen, a human potential center on the Big Sur Coast of California. He went to Boulder to live where he would take two to three weeklong camping trips to connect with nature and his inner soul.

After several years of meditating and living a more connected life in Boulder and California, he ultimately discovered what he was on Earth to do while skiing in Lake Tahoe during a six-month stay. While on a weekend trip to San Francisco, he picked up a brochure to the “Green Festival.” Sunday he returned back to an apartment he was renting on the outskirts of Reno, just over the pass to Lake Tahoe.

The Conscious Millionaire Insight

He relaxed in spa tub to read the brochure. When he read the word “Conscious” on a page in the brochure, J V immediately saw the phrase “Conscious Millionaire” in his mind. Intuitively he realized that this was the answer he had been seeking – his path for giving back and positively impacting the lives of others and our world.

Six months later, in a similar moment of realization, he had the inspiration to start a non-profit named “Conscious World”. Being an attorney, he trademarked both, created an initial audio CD, and began his journey of developing Conscious Millionaire as a  business and Conscious World as a non-profit.

Now, he devotes himself to helping others find their dream by growing a business that combines making profits with creating an important difference for their customers and our world. His goal is to help you to create a business that affords you true financial freedom and a life that provides you the deep fulfillment you seek. All Conscious Millionaire trainings, programs, and coaching are designed to guide you forward on your millionaire path.

J V’s Formal Education

On a more formal level, J V holds graduate degrees in three areas. He is a licensed attorney, JD; holds a Masters in Business Administration, MBA; and earned a MS in Psychology. He also has nine years of studies in Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (NLP) and is certified in Ericksonian Hypnosis. J V also has training in Energy Psychology. He has more than three decades of experience in the human potential community and is a leader in the consciousness movement.

J V speaks on entrepreneurial success, conscious business, and youth leadership. J V loves to coach, guide, and mentor both clients and youth to awaken their full potential then utilize it to positively impact others’ lives. He is passionate about helping conscious entrepreneurs to get their message into the world, develop robust business models, and massively expand their incomes and profits.

His Non-Profit Mission

As the Founder/Director of Conscious World Foundation Inc., a 501c(3) non-profit, J V oversees the development of its youth programs. Conscious World Foundation provides global youth leadership training and annually produces Conscious World Day to honor youth, 18-25, from around the globe whose contributions uplift humanity.

The mission of the Conscious World Foundation is to develop the next generation of conscious global leaders—thereby raising the consciousness of humanity worldwide. All of its programs are based on J V’s Triple Win principle: you, others, and society winning together.

As a man influenced by both Western and Eastern spiritual traditions and practices, J V believes in the Divine interplay in life and business. His personal motto is “trust perfect timing.”

He loves the outdoors, nature, and all things related to water, from class-five water rafting to skiing, scuba diving, and camping near mountain streams. J V is an avid lover of the arts, including many forms of music, ranging from jazz, blues, folk, and Indie bands to rock, opera, and classical. He also enjoys food, wine, cooking, and pursues a health-focused lifestyle.

A world traveler, one of his personal goals is to become a member of the Travelers’ Century Club, by visiting at least one hundred countries around the world.

Listen to the conversation!

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