I don’t remember feeling this much passion for a project since co-founding my first company in the late 90s

I recently wrote how I finished recording the audio for the online leadership course I’m creating. I also posted about the leadership course I start teaching at NYU in a couple weeks. Both courses put into practice material that I’ve compiled for years, maybe a decade or so.
This week I’ll start posting the interview I did with Chris, the other guy in the recording for the online course. I played it for a couple friends in person and they described Chris’s results as spine-tingling, based on his progress.
I don’t remember feeling this much passion for a project since co-founding Submedia in the late 90s. You can tell because I’m spending all the time I can find editing the audio, which, from the outside, looks boring, but when a task connects to a passion, you’re working on your passion and you love it. Entrepreneurs often believe their work will revolutionize their fields and I’m no exception.
Anyway, look forward to a few audio posts of the interview of Chris describing his experience taking the online course I’m finishing soon.

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  1. J


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