Dr. Pelè hosted me on the I GOT HAPPY podcast!

Dr. Pelè is a bestselling author, musician, and host of the I GOT HAPPY Podcast, where he features the stories of highly successful executives, experts, and entrepreneurs. He is the Bestselling Author of Big-Ticket Clients: You Can’t Catch A Whale With A Worm.

Click to listen to our conversation at his page or click to watch the video below

First, check out his page, listen to his music, read his story, and see how and why he’s spreading so much happiness.

Next, see my episode, which features a few stories of mine, plus a happy mood.


The show notes from his page:

Many of us have heard that one of the best ways to learn something is by actually going out and doing it. We’ve heard that “practice makes perfect”. But we’ve also heard that there is a danger in practicing the wrong things, because “practice makes permanent”. In short, we need to know for sure what the BASICS are for any skill we’re trying to grow, whether it is leadership, environmental intelligence, or happiness. We need the right method and we need to take INITIATIVE!

In this episode, we meet Joshua Spodek, PhD, who is a multiple-time TEDx speaker, bestselling author of the book “INITIATIVE“, award-winning podcast host, environmentalist, and NYU professor of leadership and entrepreneurship.

My favorite quotes from Joshua Spodek (paraphrased):

“Do the exercises in the book! (Learning involves doing!)”

“Practice the Basics!”

“Find your “delicious”, your “joy”, and your “connection.”

About the I GOT HAPPY™ Podcast:

At some point in our lives and businesses, we realize that despite conventional wisdom, success does not lead to happiness. In fact, we learn that it’s the other way around! We discover that everything works when happy meets purpose. In this podcast, we feature stories from highly successful executives, experts, and entrepreneurs, and we learn from them how they created the links between happiness, purpose, and high performance in their lives and businesses. For a weekly journey of mindset, motivation, and music, subscribe to the “I GOT HAPPY™ Podcast with Dr. Pelè.

Where to watch or listen:

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