New email provider means you might be getting my newsletter for the first time

Hello all,
I’m changing the email provider for my newsletter. It turns out the old one was hitting some filters, so some of you may be getting my newsletter for the first time.
So if you signed up a long time ago and are just seeing your first newsletter from me, welcome aboard! … and sorry for the delay. I hope you enjoy the newsletter.

Why I changed

I changed because I’m starting to get the word out about my book, Leadership Step by Step, to launch in February. Here’s a blurb from the back cover:

Joshua is changing the game for leadership development and creating positive change. His insight to give a progression of exercises to practice is a once-in-a-lifetime game-changing advance in our field everyone else will follow. It’s better than business school courses because he has you create real positive change that lasts. Leadership is about doing, not just understanding, and Joshua’s exercises give you both. Leadership Step by Step gets it. Do its exercises and you will too. If you like my style, get coaching from me or buy Joshua’s book.

Marshall Goldsmith, 2015 #1 Leadership Thinker and #1 Executive Coach in the World. NY Times #1 bestselling author of Triggers

Here’s the front cover:
I’ll send you subscribers advanced inside stuff and invitations to be part of the book’s inner circle, whom I’ll give advanced copies and special webinars and other stuff to.

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