Entrepreneur Magazine features me and Leadership Step by Step

Entrepreneur Magazine covered me for the first time, with a video no less, in Are People Born Leaders?

Entrepreneur Magazine covers Joshua Spodek
Entrepreneur Magazine covers Joshua Spodek

The story begins

Joshua Spodek, author of Leadership Step by Step: Becoming the Person Others Follow, talks about how people aren’t born leaders but instead develop leadership skills throughout life as a result of the obstacles life throws at them. He states that every great leader has learned leadership, but “no one’s born leading.”

Spodek also says he treats leadership as a performance-based field and that people have to practice being good, effective leaders — much like one has to practice playing the piano or sports in order to get better. As an adjunct professor at New York University, Spodek says that academia teaches people about leadership, but no one teaches you how to become a leader.

Read and watch the rest at Are People Born Leaders?

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