Google Revealed Donald Trump’s Favorite Words

My post the other day on LinkedIn, “Google Revealed Donald Trump’s Favorite Words,” began

Trump's Favorite Words
Trump’s Favorite Words

In leadership, words matter. Leaders care about the people they lead and results, which often means caring about others’ interests ahead of their own, even when they disagree.

Leaders know others will always have some different values. The challenge is to lead without getting mired in conflict.

The most effective leaders influence the people they disagree with most. Consider Nelson Mandela negotiating with the presidents of Apartheid South Africa, Vaclav Havel influencing the authoritarian leaders of Czechoslovakia to resign, or Gandhi negotiating with the King of England.

Consider Americans’ response to the protests of the KKK and its peers. Actually, consider before, and consider the results of counterprotesters’ reactions, particularly on the people they want to influence.

Before Charlottesville and Phoenix

By Donald Trump’s favorite words, I don’t mean bigly, covfefe, or braggadocious. Conflicts in Charlottesville and Phoenix are in the news, but the news of a simpler incident before revealed a source of his radicalized support—a case study that reveals how he got here in areas you can act on.

Read the rest at Google Revealed Donald Trump’s Favorite Words.

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