Want to improve your coaching? I’m offering free admission to the premier online coaching summit for two readers!

In June and July, I posted videos from my participating in the premier online coaching summit: World Business and Executive Coach Summit (WBECS) online summit. They were part of the pre-conference.
I’m in touch with the organizers and scored two passes for the full summit, which starts THURSDAY, and I’m offering these free passes to my readers.
If you’re interested in one of those passes, email me how it will help you help others. Please make the subject “Spodek WBECS”.
I’ll pick two people at random tomorrow at 5pm who are subscribed to my newsletter (my page has subscription forms). A random drawing seems the most fair way to me. I hope it doesn’t flood my inbox.
Click here to learn why WBECS is so awesome (hint: it’s mostly the speakers, both quality and quantity).
Below are the videos I did. The full conference has sessions with dozens of coaches and luminaries.

About WBECS:

With more than 20,000 attendees from 150 Countries in 2016, WBECS is the world’s largest online gathering of business and executive coaches. Our aim and mission is to consistently deliver outstanding value, provide the most innovative content in the industry, help increase the overall quality of coaching provision and raise global standard of coaching as a result.

Why Attend WBECS?

The coaching industry is changing and evolving at a rapid pace and there is an overwhelming load of information available in the marketplace. The WBECS event cuts through the clutter to help coaches identify the most profound and impactful information available that truly makes a difference for them and their clients. We don’t deliver fluff, vague or general information, but only specific and actionable tools, methodologies and frameworks that create tangible and outstanding results for coaches in their business as well as every single one of their clients!

Each year, we offer a wide range of powerful Pre-Summit Sessions at no cost that allow coaches to experience the outstanding value the WBECS Sessions provide even before they make a decision to join the Full-Summit.

We bring together the pre-eminent experts and thought leaders in the business and executive coaching industry, covering a variety of the most effective, innovative and powerful coaching disciplines available today.

The second video:

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