Today: 2 Questions To Ask in Every Interview So They’ll Want You Back (Video)

My post today on, “2 Questions To Ask in Every Interview So They’ll Want You Back,” begins:

Instead of trying to show off, making you look like a commodity, use these techniques to make interviews two-way conversations where they’ll want you back. Isn’t that what you want from an interview?

If you want one thing most from an interview, you want the interviewer to want you back.

If you want a second thing, you want to know if you want to work there–do you like the people, the culture, and everything else about working there.

What not to do in an interview

Most people undermine both goals by trying to show off. Telling them about your features feels like it should work, but since everyone does it you all end up looking like undifferentiated commodities.

That strategy asks them to look at you all like cans of corn on the grocery shelf or used cars in a lot and pick the cheapest one.

If you’re selling yourself and your labor, do you want to sound like a used car salesperson?

Read the rest at 2 Questions To Ask in Every Interview So They’ll Want You Back
Also, check out my video in the piece:

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