The Inspirational Chronicles with Emilio Ron, parts 1 and 2: Building Discipline and Become an Exceptional Communicator

I met Emilio Ron at an event for public speakers. We started talking and he invited me to be a guest on his new podcast, Inspirational Chronicles.
The following fits into the conversation we recorded: He invited me to record in the studio he set up. Somehow, despite living in Manhattan, I agreed to take the train—not even the subway, but the Long Island Railroad—all the way out to Long Island, where he had to drive me from the station to the studio. Manhattanites expect the world to come to us!
Once I saw the studio I could tell he cared about his project and knew I’d enjoy the conversation. I enjoyed it from before we started recording.
In the end, I’m honored to have been one of his early guests and look forward to seeing him and his podcast grow.
The conversation was close and personal. Since he had started reading my book, Leadership Step by Step, we covered some of its topics more deeply than in most other podcasts. If you’ve started the book, you’ll get extra value out of the conversation.
We also went longer than originally planned (he was driving into Manhattan later to go salsa dancing, so I missed my return train for a ride back), so he split the conversation into two parts.

Part 1: Building Discipline

Show notes:

Joshua Spodek is a Professor at NYU, leadership and workshop coach for Columbia Business School, and Columnist for Inc. He holds five Ivy-League degrees, including a PhD in Astrophysics and an MBA.

He helped build an X-ray observational satellite for and NASA, co-founded and led as CEO or COO several ventures, and holds six patents. He’s a best selling author of Leadership Step by Step and is featured on this episode!….Give it a listen!

Click the image below to listen.
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Part 2: Become an Exceptional Communicator

Show notes:

Become an Exceptional Communicator ft. Joshua Spodek – Best Selling Author, Professor and Astrophysicist.


  • Advice to Young Professionals [at 1min]
  • Communicating in Relationships [at 8 min]
  • Confirmation Questions – Get People to Open Up [16min]
  • Developing Awareness in Perception and Supporting Others [25min to end

Click the image below to listen.
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About Inspirational Chronicles

The Inspirational Chronicles podcast features a new guest every episode telling their unique story of overcoming many of the life obstacles we face today. Based out of NYC, this podcast is made to inspire and entertain with the stories of everyday people pursuing their dreams.

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