“How to Lead People So They Want You to Lead Them Again” — My March 15 Leadership Seminar in NYC

Because January’s seminar sold out and people reviewed it so positively, we’re repeating it on March 15. And it includes a copy of my book with admission.
Want to motivate people more effectively? Come to my March 15 seminar, “How to Lead People So They Want You to Lead Them Again,” which will be held at NYU-Stern, conveniently located in Greenwich Village.
Past attendees of this seminar rated it very highly. Here is the text from the Columbia Business School Alumni Club announcement:

Effective leaders motivate people from the inside—so people they lead contribute fully and thank the leader for giving them the opportunity to work with them. You can learn this skill too.

Is someone thanking you for motivating them to work hard on your project not the holy grail of motivation?

People remember effective leaders their whole lives. If you had leaders and teachers who motivated you from the inside, you probably still remember them today and you wish you could thank them for inspiring such drive and fulfillment in your life.

You can learn to lead and inspire like them… to motivate people from the inside to contribute fully and completely and feel gratitude to you for motivating them … to want you to lead them again.

This one-day Saturday workshop teaches you how.

How to Lead People So They Want You to Lead Them Again covers:

  • Step-by-step low-level instruction of what to say and do
  • How to create high-level meaning, value, importance, purpose, and passion
  • How and why the words and behaviors you learn inspire those high-level concepts
  • Exercises to perfect your practice
  • Overcoming counterproductive practices like relying on authority or external motivations that corporate, highly structured or command-and-control environments often teach.

You can practice the skills during the workshop, then over time internalize and refine them to your natural style.

Date: Saturday, March 15 2014: 10am-4:30pm (Coffee and lunch included)
Location: NYU Stern, Henry Kaufman Management Center 40 West Fourth Street, New York, NY 10012

Key takeaways not easily learned from books or unguided experience:

  • What you have to prepare in yourself before you can lead others from the inside
  • What to look for in others to know whom you can and can’t lead from the inside
  • How to elicit their strongest relevant motivations
  • Humility, empathy, not trying to control, and listening to understand, even for people who tend to be less emotionally intelligent, like those with strong problem-solving and analytical backgrounds
  • How to build their motivations into passions
  • What you have to give them to keep them motivated
  • What to look for in other great leaders to learn and keep improving
Joshua Spodek, MBA PhD, (MBA ’06 Columbia; PhD, Astrophysics ’00 Columbia) is an executive coach, entrepreneur, and a coach with Columbia Business School’s Program on Social Intelligence. He has taught at Parsons and multiple schools in NYU. He has been quoted and profiled in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Washington Post, Fortune, and the major networks. His clients come from firms including McKinsey, Bain, BCG, JP Morgan, DE Shaw, Google, IBM, the Army, Navy, and many startups.

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