Leadership Step by Step: first sightings of my book!

Over the weekend I got the first printed copies of my book!
I’ve been working on it intensely for months, and building up to that intensity for longer than that. I’ve been developing the content and my practice for the better part of a decade. Some parts more.
It feels great to hold it in my hands. I couldn’t help take a few pictures with my phone, damn the torpedoes on the picture quality. I had to share!


I’m still editing and ramping up the marketing, but the first physical copy feels like a major milestone.
Stay tuned!
More to come!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Michael preston

    Josh: congrats on your book! I’d like to buy a copy.

    1. Joshua

      Thank you!
      It comes out in February. I’m setting up my site to handle pre-orders. I made a note to make sure to update you when we can process them.
      I can’t wait either 😉

  2. Ellen Hunt

    Josh – really exciting!! Can’t wait to read it! Congrats

    1. Joshua

      Thank you!
      Me neither. Still editing, though, and setting up the pages to handle pre-orders and buying.
      I made a note to make sure to update you when we can process orders.

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