Following up Dov Baron‘s questions from yesterday and the day before, the next and last question he recommend me answering was
Question: If I led in the environment and no one knew my name, what change I created would be my legacy?
Listen to the conversation (on iTunes)
My answer:
My legacy would be that people will view changing their behavior to reduce their pollution, greenhouse emissions, resource depletion, and the like as joyful fun opportunities for personal growth that they wish they did earlier.
This perspective would change for most people from seeing such changes as deprivation, sacrifice, and pointless.
This cultural shift would be on the scale of how, in my lifetime, American culture shifted on
- Smoking
- Drinking and driving
- Wearing seat belts
We’ve about-faced on those issues in a few decades. We can do the same with behaviors that pollute, emit greenhouse gases, overpopulate, draw on resources, and so on.
People will enjoy life more and reach their potential by living by their values, not by mine. The environment will end up cleaner too as a side effect.