Overcoming Objections and Blocks overview and table of contents

Here is an overview of my recent section on Objections and Blocks with links to all the articles. If you haven’t already, I hope they help you learn to look forward to objections and blocks as signs of progress, that your project is significant, and as guidance for how to proceed.
As I began the series

Whether you want to lead or motivate others or yourself, deciding to lead means you will face objections and blocks. Whether from members of your team or from your anxieties and fears, objections and blocks are similar, as are their solutions.

For the next week or so, I’ll cover a range of objections, blocks, and various other ways we discourage ourselves or face others being discouraged when we try to motivate them.

  1. Overcoming objections and blocks in leadership and personal development: The overarching principles
  2. How to view objections and blocks as advantages
  3. Common objection 1: I want to understand the root of the problem before solving it
  4. Common objection 2: I’m not good at X. I can’t do Y. I’m not a Z person
  5. Common objection 3: I don’t have enough money/time/connections/etc
  6. Common objection 4: I don’t know how to do it, I’m too introverted, I’m not smart enough, etc
  7. Common objection 5: I have to take care of “real world” issues first
  8. Common objection 6: That’s just the way it is
  9. Common objection 7: I’ll feel fake
  10. Common objection 8: But it’s embarrassing or it makes me anxious
  11. Common objection 9: I’m too busy. I have other priorities.
  12. Common objection 10: I’m good at something else
  13. Common objection 11: Other people tell me not to
  14. Common objection 12: I’ve worked so long and hard but feel like I’m getting nowhere or going backward
  15. Overcoming objections exercise


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