Overview of Understanding leadership, values, meaning, purpose, importance, passion — six key concepts of this web page

Today I’ll give an overview of the series I just finished on understanding the six key concepts of this web page:  leadership, values, meaning, purpose, importance, passion.

  1. What is value? What are values?
  2. What is value? What are values? (short version)
  3. Understanding others’ value and their values
  4. What is meaning? How do I create more meaning in my life?
  5. What is purpose? How do I create more purpose in my life?
  6. Understanding leadership, values, meaning, purpose, importance, passion — Interlude on writing on emotions and emotional awareness so much
  7. What is importance? What makes something important? How do I have more important things in my life and less junk?
  8. What is passion? How do you find your passions?
  9. What is leadership?

There, now that you’ve read how I break down each of these concepts, you understand them, how they relate to each other and emotions and motivations, and to some extent how to develop them as well as I do.
Or at least when I write about them here you’ll know I’m not writing vaguely but have specific ideas in mind.
It will help to have the Model in mind while reading it (I consider it so fundamental to these concepts, I link to it in almost every post) as in this representation:
The Model
If you haven’t been reading them over the past few days — I partied a few nights around New Years too — I recommend reading them in order, but you might want to start with the interlude in 6. But then again, I think this material is such gold you can’t go wrong reading any of it. At least developing it all helped my life a lot.

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