You know you’ve wanted to see a TED talk live. Now’s your chance. Cancel your old plans for next weekend.
[NOTE: I will post the video of my talk here when the organizers finish editing and post it. They estimated 6 to 12 weeks from April 6 — that is, likely late May or June.]

See me and six other brilliant, engaging speakers this Saturday, April 6 at TEDxNYU—the intersection of two world-renowned institutions.
This year’s theme is Disruption.
In NYU’s Kimmel building, 60 Washington Square South, 10th floor, starting 10am.
Get tickets and logistics here or contact me and I’ll put you on my list. The speakers are listed here.

See you there!
Pingback: A curious, annoying observation on asking advice for a TEDx talk | Joshua Spodek