See my webinar at Ivy Exec at 12:30pm today!

[EDIT: Download the presentation slides here]
Ivy Exec is an online set of resources for building community among those serious about getting ahead. Among other resources, they host webinars on workplace skills.
Today at 12:30 I’ll host a webinar on the core of my seminar “How to Lead People So They Want You to Lead Them Again,” principally the central exercise. As with all my seminars, I will give a core skill you can use immediately and a simple explanation of why it works so you can make it your own. This exercise helps you motivate people deeply to contribute as much as they can and to thank you for enabling them to work so hard. They’ll describe your leadership as liberating.

Click here to register!

People describe it as helping them to lead inspirationally. Here is a testimonial from a Columbia MBA who attended my recent seminar:

Josh, you may be interested to know I took out an Associate who will be working on my team and used your technique. She teared up, saying, no one ever asked her these questions and she is so grateful that I am taking an approach to her work based on what she likes and wants to do. It also revealed some of her deep fears and it was quite profound.

Invaluable, thank you.

I felt terrific afterward—in that she felt great and also that I felt I could get more out of her. She is also a friend, so I was conscious that she now reports to me… but that really was entirely neutralized in this conversation. Great stuff.

The one-hour web format will keep things just to the highlights, followed by questions and answers.
I look forward to seeing you there!

Click here to register!

[EDIT: Download the presentation slides here]

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