Stop Aspiring To Lead And Start Leading By Giving Support: My second guest post in Tanveer Naseer’s blog

Tanveer Naseer is the recipient of several awards and recognitions as one of the top thinkers/writers in the leadership sphere, including being recognized by Inc. Magazine as one of the Top 100 Leadership and Management Experts, earning a #3 ranking on HR Examiner’s Top 25 Online Influencers in Leadership, and being consistent ranked on numerous lists as one of Top 15 Leadership Bloggers in the world.
We had great conversations preparing for and following my first guest post in his blog, “Stop Unwanted Beliefs From Sabotaging Your Self-Improvement.” I wish we could have recorded them to share. They’d make a great podcast.
We decided to do a second guest post, and he published it today, “Stop Aspiring To Lead And Start Leading By Giving Support.
Among other things, the post includes a long list of needs people tend to have and how to support them. It begins

Stop Aspiring To Lead And Start Leading By Giving Support

People who aspire to lead look upward in a hierarchy to find power and authority they can grab onto to pull themselves up. That’s why they’re still aspiring and not leading. People above them can sense their craving, which they can motivate them with, which makes them followers, not leaders.

Great, effective leaders support people, which means not looking up but looking around at people at all levels. Supporting people attracts them to your team. Support creates loyalty, dedication, and results. People who support become leaders because people want to follow them. They buoy themselves up through effective action, which means getting things done.

Why you don’t know how to support

The challenge to grow your teams, followers, and community is more than knowing you have to support people. Everyone knows what they should do in the abstract. The challenge is knowing how and doing it.

Read the rest at Stop Aspiring To Lead And Start Leading By Giving Support.
tanveer naseer joshua Spodek guest post

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