This Sustainable Life Mastermind

Enrollment for this Mastermind is limited and by invitation only.
All potential new members must submit a request to be interviewed by Josh.
Please enter your name and address at the bottom of this page.

Are you frustrated about seeing all our environmental problems? Do you want to act but aren’t sure what to do? Would you like to change that? Would you like to work with a team on this as opposed to on your own?

Do you like what Josh does and would like to do what he does at your scale, for your community?

Do you want to be a part of history, do you want create a legacy?

What is a Mastermind?

For those you that don’t know, a mastermind is a group of peers following a structured approach to a problem where each member grows personally and professionally. Each achieves a major result in the world. The group collectively achieves a major result. We meet regularly online, following a project-based, active-learning syllabus, sharing results, challenging each other and ourselves.

This Sustainable Life’s Mastermind is the first mastermind on environmental sustainability leadership.

How This Mastermind Works

We are offering an 8 weeks long structured group experience to transform you from watching our declining environment like a victim, feeling helplessness, hopelessness, guilt, or shame… to actively improving our environment, feeling confident, genuine, authentic, all with effective action. You will combine forces with your mastermind cohort to create and implement a project that will change culture and create a legacy. Your cohort will combine forces with all future cohorts to create an alumni community of sustainability leaders acting on the scale of great historical leaders.

If you’re considering participating on This Sustainable Life’s Mastermind, please contact us to talk logistics.

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The Team behind the Mastermind

This Sustainable Life’s Mastermind is brought to you by Joshua Spodek & Conrad Ruiz.

Joshua Spodek  hosts the award-winning This Sustainable Life podcast. Josh is a four-time TEDx speaker, bestselling author of Initiative and Leadership Step by Step. He is a professor at NYU, who’s published in the New Yorker. Outside of teaching, Josh is primarily an executive leadership coach.

Josh holds a PhD in astrophysics and an MBA from Columbia, where he studied under a Nobel Laureate and helped launch a satellite – he was raised and subsequently emerged from some of Philadelphia’s most dangerous neighborhoods. Josh left academia to found a venture to market an invention that showed animated images to subway riders between stations.

Josh teaches and coaches leadership and entrepreneurship at NYU and Columbia Business School. He has spoken at Harvard, Princeton, West Point, Google, IBM, The New York Academy of Science, Children’s Aid Society, and other renowned institutions.

Josh has been published in The New Yorker, TIME, Inc., Quartz, and Psychology Today. Featured in pieces every major network, the NY Times, Wall Street Journal, and more, he has been called “best and brightest” in Esquire’s Genius issue, “astrophysicist turned new media whiz” by NBC, and “rocket scientist” by Forbes.

This Sustainable Life’s Mastermind is a cohort-based derivative approach to Josh’s This Sustainable Life project. As its key visionary, Josh primarily supports the role of facilitation.

Conrad Ruiz helps people buy back their time using systems, virtual assistance, and a well-engineered self-reviewing process. Conrad is the founder & CEO of Well Aware. Conrad’s story revolves around a particular lack of time – at 17, he was diagnosed with having only 1 kidney with multiple cysts. On top of his father being 70 years older than him (still with us now, in his late 90’s), Conrad sensed time pressures that originally had him sprinting against the clock. He’s since learned, and now shares, that success and happiness come from a patience for order, and a sustainable awareness of what matters.

Conrad has a Bachelor’s in biomedical engineering and a Master’s in Business Management from WPI. Conrad is also an alumni of the Startup Leadership Program as well as the Founder’s Institute. Conrad currently helps sustain the operations of a variety of businesses and multi-project professionals, from startups to small business owners and nonprofits, university directors, and former executives turned consultants. Conrad speaks about and shares content on time management and self-awareness.

Conrad has been mentoring under Josh’s environmental sustainability leadership, and though his environmental sustainability journey is still in its early stages,  Conrad has committed himself and his company Well Aware toward sustaining our natural environment, in effect through freeing people’s time and dependencies on unsustainable lifestyles. Within This Sustainable Life’s Mastermind, Conrad takes the role of the integrator to Josh, performing a variety of roles that can best broadly be described as operations management.

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The following are results of those who’ve been trained under the TSL Team regarding their takeaways on leadership and the environment.

“Great leaders aren’t born with a ‘leadership gene’; great leaders develop the necessary skills and gain confidence through practice and hard work. Joshua Spodek presents a thoughtful approach to becoming a highly effective leader that emphasizes the importance of experiential learning. It will serve as a valuable resource for leaders at all levels in any profession. Indeed, Joshua’s practical exercises will help prospective, as well as experienced leaders, to master their craft and ultimately to succeed in leading and inspiring others in their various pursuits.”

General Lloyd Austin, U.S. Secretary of Defense