#4 of the Top 15 Leadership Blogs You Should Be Reading in 2021: This One.

peopleHum is an AI-enabled human capital management platform that enhances the employee experience as well as supports all your needs from an HR perspective.

HR develops leadership so peopleHum ranked the Top 15 Leadership Blogs You Should Read in 2021. Guess whose blog sits at #4?

Of course, you already knew the value of the blog you’re reading. I’m honored that they wrote:

4. Joshua Spodek

Experience: Joshua Spodek has spoken for 3 TEDx talks and is the author of both Initiative and Leadership Step by Step. He also hosts a well regarded podcast, This Sustainable Life. 

Blog Content: His personal blog is focused on “intentional leadership” helping leaders leverage their influence. The main topics revolve around personal development, leadership, productivity, and publishing. You can expect fresh content from him three times a week.

Take a look at this post: People don’t want to do small things. They want to do meaningful things.

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