Listen to my second Join Up Dots podcast interview with David Ralph!

Today, David Ralph of the Join Up Dots podcast, posted our second interview, “Finding Passion Through Leadership.”
Join Up Dots Joshua Spodek interview
He interviewed me in January 2015 in my first podcast interview, “A Man Who Thrives One Step After Anxiety,” his 271st podcast. Today’s interview is his 653rd. In the intervening two years we’ve both developed and the new interview shows. We’re both more free to speak openly and have more fun..
The interview was a delight!

Listen to Finding Passion Through Leadership!

Here are the interview notes:

My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is with a man who is joining a merry bunch of former guests who have appeared on the show twice, back on episode 271.

He is  Inc. columnist, Professor of leadership, entrepreneurship, and hustling, and  Entrepreneur, MBA, Astrophysics PhD, studied with Nobel Laureates and also swam across the Hudson river and almost drowned in the process.

Yep, you thought he was really clever up to that point didn’t you!

As he told us last time on the show “I do what I love in life and do my best to cut out what I don’t. Loving what you do means you will do more than if you don’t, so I’ve accomplished a few things to high levels while enjoying the process.

I’ve also made my life easy and fun. I think anyone can. In fact I think making life easy and fun is easy and fun, so love what you do while accomplishing more than you thought you could too.”

And it certainly seems that he is a man of his word.

And now he is bringing his experience to the world in written form after converting a course that he has taught for years with the soon to be released book Leadership Step by Step.

This is a book that offers that rare breed of learning—genuine, authentic, effective, engaging, and, most of all, fun. It is based on the best leadership philosophy and practice.

As it says on the book “The results of doing its exercises insure that you will become an authentic, great leader, able to serve and to live to the best of your ability. Anyone who aspires to lead, to lead more effectively, or to live life to its fullest would benefit from Joshua’s exercises.

This is true for business, public service, the social sector, the arts, education, and any sphere where leaders serve.”

So how has he managed to bring the word “fun” to the forefront of his business, when so many people think that this is for the weekend, or for kids?

And is he a trailblazer for this, or is there more and more leadership experts looking at the “F” word as something that is how we should all be operating?

Well let’s find out as we bring onto the show once more to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Joshua Spodek!

Show Highlights

During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Joshua Spodek such as:

Joshua explains the difference between management and leadership and why it is so important in business to use “emotions” to convey the importance of a task.

Why building connections that are meaningful are the number one way to build success not just in business, but also on a personal level.

Why everyone should realise that they have to go through low-level skills to get the success they desire, before they can ever get to the high levels that bring the big successes.

and lastly…

Why he is now willing to embrace the bigger markets, social media and online publication like never before, due to going through the journey that got him ready to shine!

Listen to Finding Passion Through Leadership!

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