I gave the lead off keynote talk at the 9th annual Sustainology, hosted by the Swedish American Chamber of Commerce at Citi’s headquarters in Tribeca, Manhattan on November 12, 2019.
12 Nov. 2019 New York NY USA Sustainology Summit 2019 12 Nov. 2019 New York NY USA Sustainology Summit 2019 12 Nov. 2019 New York NY USA Sustainology Summit 2019 12 Nov. 2019 New York NY USA Sustainology Summit 2019
Sustainology’s mission
“An Impact Unicorn is a disruptive company impacting over 1 billion peopleâ€
Let’s measure the success of unicorn companies through impact instead of dollars! In a single day, ‘Sustainology Summit – One Billion’ will bring together and demonstrate how at least one billion lives will be affected and improved from participating companies’ work and products that are taking the stage at Citi Headquarters on November 12th. This year´s conference focuses on measuring the tangible and intangible effects and global impact of participating entrepreneurs, companies and decision-makers, turning the conference itself into an impact unicorn. Sustainology Summit 2019 will once again build the bridge between Swedish and American trailblazers in impact, technology, creativity, and business, and inspire participants to be a part of the critical shift toward a sustainable food system.
A technical malfunction led to losing the professional recording of my talk, so the only recording is what they could put together of some hand recordings. The loss is tragic because it doesn’t represent the professionalism and quality of the event or my talk. People came up all day to tell me the talk affected them. It led to working with several attendees—people and organizations.
C’est la vie. Here’s the only recording. I hope you get value from it.
I also led a workshop:
What nearly everyone gets wrong about the environment and what to do about it.
We want to change people’s environmental behavior, yet most people keep doing what they always have, or change moderately, even people who know and care. Their beliefs keep them from change. Not addressing those beliefs limits our ability to influence. This interactive, friendly workshop shows practical effective ways to influence beliefs so people enjoy acting. Hosted by the host of the Leadership and the Environment podcast, who developed these techniques with globally renowned leaders. | 45 minute workshop | 10 minute Q&A | Maximum size of the workshop: 30-40.
12 Nov. 2019 New York NY USA Sustainology Summit 2019 12 Nov. 2019 New York NY USA Sustainology Summit 2019
Despite the technical malfunction, I recommend the event next year for anyone near New York City interested in meeting people working on the environment.
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