The “Inflation Reduction Act”: Hear me speak on it with Eugene Bible of This Sustainable Life

The Inflation Reduction Act has been in the news a lot lately. Since it introduces initiatives designed to help climate change (not so much other environmental issues, many at least as important), people have asked me about it. Eugene Bible, who hosts another branch of This Sustainable Life, recorded a conversation on the IRA, differences between management and leadership, coercing versus leading, intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation, and how I view the act. He posted it to his podcast: Special Episode - The Inflation Reduction Act w/ Joshua Spodek Even if you don't want to hear my views, if you want…

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My second month with zero kilowatt-hours

I got my second bill with zero kilowatt-hours: Everyone's response includes speculating how it's easier for me because I'm (take your pick): single, male, in New York, or privileged in some other way. Nobody speculates why it would be harder for me, like I don't get economies of scale that I would if someone else were involved. But let's grant every possible advantage. If you didn't hear of me doing it and someone asked if you thought someone could draw zero electrical power in his apartment for a month, let alone two, admit it, you'd likely guess it was impossible,…

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The causes inside you of our environmental problems

Think of something you do that pollutes, but you do it anyway. You've justified why it's okay. You're balancing you desire to do good or whatever on one side with something on the other. Actually, think of all the things you do that pollute, if you can. You've justified all of them. At least you do in the moment you do them. Maybe you fly to visit relatives, buy takeout, fly for work, buy more clothes than you need, use straws, use a clothes dryer, leave the air conditioner on when, . . . whatever. Think of your thoughts when…

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613: Our Next Constitutional Amendment

My proposal and rationale for the next amendment for the United States Constitution. It will sound crazy, impossible, and too hard at first, as it did with me. But the more you consider it, the more the objections will fade. It is the right tool for the right job. Nothing else is. I'll write more about it later. For now, just the audio. The United States Constitution

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Prove me wrong: America has abandoned “Do Unto Others” and “Leave It Better Than You Found It” on the environment

What happens to a culture that doesn’t live by its values? It twists itself up, trying to rationalize what it considers wrong yet still does. In the case of slavery or denying women the right to vote, it creates stories that people who are equal really aren’t. Quoting the historian and former Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Eric Williams, Slavery was not born of racism: rather, racism was the consequence of slavery. That is, people being unwilling or unable to let go of slavery created stories that the people they were hurting and killing weren’t equal or whatever nonsense…

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My First Zero Electric Bill: Off the Grid in Manhattan Over a Month

Yes, I shifted my lifestyle a bit and did things not everyone can, but for the overwhelming majority of people living in cities and rich cultures minor compared to that I'm not living in the woods or separate from society. I lived in Manhattan, maintained a professional lifestyle and used zero electricity from the grid to my apartment for a month with minimal planning and only a portable solar panel and battery that I could only use by carrying them eleven flights to the roof. I allowed myself to use my computer at NYU, which charged the phone and computer…

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The simple explanation why offsets don’t work

  • Post category:Nature

Fossil fuels underground are outside the biosphere. Extracting them puts them into the biosphere. Once here, if we burn them, form plastics, or similar industrial processes, they will eventually end up in the most stable form, meaning a form in which they don’t break down, they linger for longer than human time scales, and they poison living creatures, eventually us.

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Would you help an abusive parent get more efficient?

People struggle to understand that unintended side effects that can become the major effects in systems. In particular, making elements of a polluting system like our economic system more efficient may lower pollution locally, but if you make a polluting system more efficient, you pollute more efficiently. I'm exploring a new way to explain it. Sorry if talking about child abuse is difficult for you, but polluting the environment hurts and kills people, it's not abstract. I write about it here all the time. There are many differences between parenting children and stewarding humanity and nature, but consider a parent…

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My emotional job as a leader in sustainability

I keep in touch with Olympic gold medalist, Extinction Rebellion activist and guest on my podcast, Etienne Stott MBE. I think I can say we're becoming friends despite not having met in person yet. England is a long way to sail and neither of us wants to pollute much. He shared some stories about his activism: BBC: Extinction Rebellion: Six arrested after Olympians scale oil tanker: "Six people have been arrested after climate change activists, including two Olympians, scaled an oil tanker."Team GB gold medallist says ‘life or death oil tanker protest felt like Olympics’: "A gold medal-winning canoeist said…

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Transitions in the path to acting sustainably

I've noticed people go through a few transitions as they start acting sustainably. I haven't catalogued them all, but a few: From expecting acting sustainably means deprivation and sacrifice to expecting it bring rewarding emotions. Before this transition, you don't want to start trying. You may feel obliged or shamed into acting, but you resent it. The AIM/Spodek Method that I teach and coach starts this transition. From thinking your actions don't matter to expecting you'll influence others. Before this transition you think personal actions don't change systems. You think only actions that change everything or scale to change everything…

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A New Record in Clean Living: Over 6.5 Months With the Fridge Unplugged

I'm continuing living clean from my addictions to polluting behaviors. Last year I kept my fridge unplugged for six and a half months. If unplugging the fridge sounds weird or stupid, check out my post on why I would and what I got out of it: 12 Sustainability Leadership Lessons Unplugging My Fridge for 6.5 Months Taught Me. Also consider that much of the world lives without a fridge, many healthier and living longer than us. All lived without fridges before we invented them. It's tempting to expect refrigeration would keep foods fresher, but as usual systems work differently than…

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How We Reached Our Environmental Predicament so We Can Take Responsibility

The situation: More people than ever are living healthy, happy lives yet Pollution and garbage are growing and acceleratingPredictions suggest our waste is going to cause nearly everyone on Earth to suffer including many dying and, here's the big confounding issue We can't stop ourselves. With rare exception, everyone I know and even know of knows they are polluting, hurting people by it, so potentially contributing to the greatest catastrophe ever, yet won't or can't stop. Why? How? What do we do about it? How is this conflict possible? I've been trying to figure it out. I've worked out a…

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My first solar-powered famous no-packaging vegan stew

Last week I wrote about my latest step in going a month off-grid in Manhattan: buying (used, off Craigslist) the solar panels to power the battery I bought last year. First: solar panels and batteries are not sustainable. They require fossil fuels and other non-renewable resources for manufacture, with no end in sight for that dependence. I don't pretend using them is clean. Cleaner than burning oil or coal isn't clean. I see them like methadone: as part of a plan by someone intending to quit an addiction, they can help. But giving methadone to addicts with no intent or…

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My Solar Experiment to Go Off the Electric Grid in Manhattan Continues

Months ago I bought a battery (used off Craigslist) to power my apartment. They call them power stations, partly to sound more impressive, partly since they can receive and deliver electric power in many ways. The process started years ago, when I started reducing my electric power demand to where a battery would suffice, and I dropped my demand to a couple dollars worth per month. The other day I bought the solar panels (also used off Craigslist). Portable ones like I bought cost more than the bulky ones most people put on their homes, but I anticipated carrying mine…

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How to Create a Sustainability Movement: sneak preview of my book and workshops

On a call with Dan McPherson, podcast guest and friend, I mentioned recent advances on my book and how to lead people and create a movement. We decided to record part of the call sharing my screen. It's based on my work on This Sustainable Life leading hundreds of world-renowned guests to live joyfully sustainably based on intrinsic motivation. Nearly all return for second episodes. Many refer me to peers based on valuing the experience. Many have become friends. The video mixes story with theory. By sneak preview, I mean it's a work in progress, but I wanted to share…

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How Biden can pass his program with bipartisan support. With global support.

Joe Biden can lead in a lot more ways than using authority, which is the least effective tool of a leader. The President of the United States is not some guy on the street. He's at a leverage point of a system, with great influence. Imagine if Biden stood with the protesters of a pipeline. Imagine he simply took an inventory of his personal waste and minimized it and showed the inevitable increase in productivity and effectiveness people don't believe until they experience it. Maybe it sounds crazy or like it may not work, What he's did didn't work either.…

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Heartwarming reasons I pick up litter knowing it alone won’t fix the world’s problems overnight.

Picking up litter has its joys. A friend wrote about our meeting, in which we walked around Washington Square Park and picked up litter, also talking business. The meeting certainly was inspirational and I think back to it every time I see a piece of trash on the ground. So, you certainly made a difference in my life. I always tried to pick before, but now I make it a point. And every person counts, right? My routine dog walk was completely clear of debris this morning, which I feel is a fantastic accomplishment considering my route goes through an…

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Saying “It won’t matter if we pollute less if China and Russia don’t” is the opposite of leadership.

People say all the time that what we in the U.S. or anywhere to act sustainably doesn't matter if China and Russia don't act too. They say that they pollute so much that even if we don't pollute at all, their pollution is enough to sink us all. Whether it is or not, to say they have to act first abdicates leadership. It says we choose to follow, not lead. For us to lead, we would act first, or at least independently of others, and expect others to follow us. People think we can't lead while setting an example. Sadly,…

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Advice to a young adult in 2021

A father in one of my online communities asked people for what advice they'd give to a twelve-year-old. I'm not a father and haven't been twelve since the 1980s, so I don't know how appropriate for that age, but here was my answer: Not knowing the kid (barely knowing myself), I can only guess at his interests and situation, but here's what I would want someone to tell me if I were becoming an adult today. If not appropriate for twelve years old, well, I haven't been that age in a while so don't mind if you filter it. I…

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What leadership brings to sustainability

Nearly every effort I see for sustainability use methods that don't work, that promote resistance. They don't inspire. They tools like cajoling (“Here are ten little things you can do for the environment”), coercing (“people will suffer if you don’t act”), convincing (“If you value your kids’ future, you should change”), and authority (laws). Such methods imply nobody wants to do the things. You may gain compliance but reinforce the systemic values causing the problem. Nobody promotes Drinkless Driving Tuesdays or Seat Belt Wednesdays. We say never drink and drive because we believe sobriety always benefits everyone behind the wheel.…

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Is flying to protest in Glasgow like PETA practicing animal sacrifice?

I'm not criticizing protesters at COP26. Maybe they'll achieve more than I will, though the meaningful comparison is to what they could achieve optimally. It seems to me that flying to Glasgow to protest polluting is like PETA practicing animal sacrifice to help animals or the Pope worshiping Satan to promote Christianity. I'm not trying to be coy. I think you need to practice the values you promote if you want others to follow. My point isn't about the magnitude of the emissions of their personal flights. It's about their credibility and effectiveness. Again, the relevant question is how effective…

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The environment has losing stories.

When myths and stories contradict, the ones that persist aren't the ones that are right. The ones that people remember and share persist. I'm writing about it after reading this quote from E. O. Wilson: Creation stories gave the members of each tribe an explanation for their existence. It made them feel loved and protected above all other tribes. In return, their gods demanded absolute belief and obedience. And rightly so. The creation myth was the essential bond that held the tribe together. It provided its believers with a unique identity, commanded their fidelity, strengthened order, vouchsafed law, encouraged valor…

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In One Chart: How America Can Influence the World on Sustainability and Why It Can’t Now

The chart below on the left shows why America can't lead anyone on sustainability. People mistakenly believe America can influence others on sustainability. Why do they think so? Maybe because of our large GDP, military, or population, since they enable us to influence in other areas, but they don't help here. Note our average per capita emissions almost five times the world average, nearly ten times mine, and ten times India's. Remove the U.S. contribution to the world average and we probably pollute close to ten times the rest of the world's average. Among those other nations, many have higher…

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