Transitions in the path to acting sustainably

I've noticed people go through a few transitions as they start acting sustainably. I haven't catalogued them all, but a few: From expecting acting sustainably means deprivation and sacrifice to expecting it bring rewarding emotions. Before this transition, you don't want to start trying. You may feel obliged or shamed into acting, but you resent it. The AIM/Spodek Method that I teach and coach starts this transition. From thinking your actions don't matter to expecting you'll influence others. Before this transition you think personal actions don't change systems. You think only actions that change everything or scale to change everything…

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A New Record in Clean Living: Over 6.5 Months With the Fridge Unplugged

I'm continuing living clean from my addictions to polluting behaviors. Last year I kept my fridge unplugged for six and a half months. If unplugging the fridge sounds weird or stupid, check out my post on why I would and what I got out of it: 12 Sustainability Leadership Lessons Unplugging My Fridge for 6.5 Months Taught Me. Also consider that much of the world lives without a fridge, many healthier and living longer than us. All lived without fridges before we invented them. It's tempting to expect refrigeration would keep foods fresher, but as usual systems work differently than…

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