Want Results? 29 Ways to Support Your Teams

My post on Inc.com today “Want Results? 29 Ways to Support Your Teams,” begins

Want Results? 29 Ways to Support Your Teams

To achieve more or rise faster, you need great teams. Teams do as well as you support them. Do you support yours enough?

If you want to achieve more for yourself, to do more for your firm, or to rise to the top, teamwork will always beat what you can do with your two hands.

And any team, no matter how talented its superstars or how well supplied, runs on support from its leader. Without it, they’ll falter. With it, the most mediocre individuals can collectively produce greatness.

The value of support

Think of the times you’ve achieved most with a team. How did the leader interact with the team? Did you get what you wanted when you needed it, even if that meant time alone?

Think of the times you worked on teams and things fell apart. What did your leader do? Did he or she resolve conflict or exacerbate it?

A short list of ways you can support your team

Read the rest at Want Results? 29 Ways to Support Your Teams

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