See Joshua Spodek at Cole Haan, Flavorpill, and General Assembly’s Inspiration Workshop, September 6

Post-event update: see a write-up and video of the event here — Everybody who attended it seemed to love it. My event had a packed room with enthusiastic participants. I made several great connections at my event and the others I attended. I hope to see you next time.

See me next weekend

The event is free and there’s lots more than just me presenting on leadership.
My part is next Saturday, September 6, 12:30pm-2:30pm. I’ll talk on leadership and lead attendees through some exercises to develop leadership skills.
People describe more workshops as inspiring and I teach others to inspire (though you have to practice).
Click on the image to RSVP and for all the logistics.ColeHaan Flavorpill General Assembly Joshua Spodek Invitation

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