Do you want to make the world a better place (and yourself)?

[Below is the content of my first email announcement of my podcast, which I’m releasing this Thursday. It’s over 12 years in design, based on 3 years of testing the underlying techniques and 1 year making the podcast. I intend for it to change culture, I hope broadly and fast enough.]

Hello all,
Do you want to improve your leadership skills? To be part of a team building something greater than yourself? To leave the world better than you found it?
People around me are like that. It’s what I teach through my book and courses.
I’m writing to announce a podcast on it that I’m launching this Thursday.
But it’s on more than leadership.
Do you also care about the environment? How much garbage we create, mercury in fish, and so on? Many want to act on such things but feel too frustrated, guilty, or otherwise discouraged.
The podcast will help change that dynamic, to bring out the joy in acting on what you care about and making a meaningful difference, to create community and leaders who care enough to act and lead.

I’m calling the podcast Leadership and the Environment. Over a year in the making, it will feature influential guests including #1 bestsellers, TED speakers with tens of millions of views, leadership gurus, celebrities, and more. They will share what they care about in the environment, then act on those passions. You’ll hear their struggles, failures, and victories.
If you like leadership, the environment, or both, you’ll love the podcast. You’ll learn and be inspired to act effectively.
I consider them among the most important places to act of our time.
I’ll keep things short for now and explain more tomorrow. For now: get ready for a new, active show with influential people on issues that matter that others neglect.
If you’re interested, you can help with a quick email to help me prepare: If you care about the environment, what do you think of when you think about caring about it? Some people think of childhood memories, others the Grand Canyon, others fishing, and so on.
Can you email me what caring about the environment makes you think of?
P.S. I’m only sending a few emails this week to announce this launch, sharing the celebrities involved, the leadership techniques underlying it that you can learn from it, its long-term goals, and so on — I hope just enough to interest you enough to listen to a few episodes.

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