Heartwarming reasons I pick up litter knowing it alone won’t fix the world’s problems overnight.

Picking up litter has its joys. A friend wrote about our meeting, in which we walked around Washington Square Park and picked up litter, also talking business. The meeting certainly was inspirational and I think back to it every time I see a piece of trash on the ground. So, you certainly made a difference in my life. I always tried to pick before, but now I make it a point. And every person counts, right? My routine dog walk was completely clear of debris this morning, which I feel is a fantastic accomplishment considering my route goes through an…

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Saying “It won’t matter if we pollute less if China and Russia don’t” is the opposite of leadership.

People say all the time that what we in the U.S. or anywhere to act sustainably doesn't matter if China and Russia don't act too. They say that they pollute so much that even if we don't pollute at all, their pollution is enough to sink us all. Whether it is or not, to say they have to act first abdicates leadership. It says we choose to follow, not lead. For us to lead, we would act first, or at least independently of others, and expect others to follow us. People think we can't lead while setting an example. Sadly,…

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Advice to a young adult in 2021

A father in one of my online communities asked people for what advice they'd give to a twelve-year-old. I'm not a father and haven't been twelve since the 1980s, so I don't know how appropriate for that age, but here was my answer: Not knowing the kid (barely knowing myself), I can only guess at his interests and situation, but here's what I would want someone to tell me if I were becoming an adult today. If not appropriate for twelve years old, well, I haven't been that age in a while so don't mind if you filter it. I…

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What leadership brings to sustainability

Nearly every effort I see for sustainability use methods that don't work, that promote resistance. They don't inspire. They tools like cajoling (“Here are ten little things you can do for the environment”), coercing (“people will suffer if you don’t act”), convincing (“If you value your kids’ future, you should change”), and authority (laws). Such methods imply nobody wants to do the things. You may gain compliance but reinforce the systemic values causing the problem. Nobody promotes Drinkless Driving Tuesdays or Seat Belt Wednesdays. We say never drink and drive because we believe sobriety always benefits everyone behind the wheel.…

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Is flying to protest in Glasgow like PETA practicing animal sacrifice?

I'm not criticizing protesters at COP26. Maybe they'll achieve more than I will, though the meaningful comparison is to what they could achieve optimally. It seems to me that flying to Glasgow to protest polluting is like PETA practicing animal sacrifice to help animals or the Pope worshiping Satan to promote Christianity. I'm not trying to be coy. I think you need to practice the values you promote if you want others to follow. My point isn't about the magnitude of the emissions of their personal flights. It's about their credibility and effectiveness. Again, the relevant question is how effective…

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The environment has losing stories.

When myths and stories contradict, the ones that persist aren't the ones that are right. The ones that people remember and share persist. I'm writing about it after reading this quote from E. O. Wilson: Creation stories gave the members of each tribe an explanation for their existence. It made them feel loved and protected above all other tribes. In return, their gods demanded absolute belief and obedience. And rightly so. The creation myth was the essential bond that held the tribe together. It provided its believers with a unique identity, commanded their fidelity, strengthened order, vouchsafed law, encouraged valor…

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Why does nearly everyone reject Gandhi’s advice?

Michael Jackson's song, Man in the Mirror, got stuck in my head: I'm starting with the man in the mirrorI'm asking him to change his waysAnd no message could have been any clearerIf you wanna make the world a better placeTake a look at yourself and then make a change It's clear: If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a change. I know of nearly no one taking this advice. Everyone instead chooses to live by something like: if you want to make the world a better place, complain…

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Asking for help is leading.

Do you avoid asking for help because you feel like it might present you as not knowing something you should, or lower in status than the person you ask for help? I would. I felt like it made me look ignorant and lesser. But asking someone for help is an act of leadership. It leads them to help you. I'm not saying this is a deep realization, but I think it helps motivate seeking help. It helps me, anyway.

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In One Chart: How America Can Influence the World on Sustainability and Why It Can’t Now

The chart below on the left shows why America can't lead anyone on sustainability. People mistakenly believe America can influence others on sustainability. Why do they think so? Maybe because of our large GDP, military, or population, since they enable us to influence in other areas, but they don't help here. Note our average per capita emissions almost five times the world average, nearly ten times mine, and ten times India's. Remove the U.S. contribution to the world average and we probably pollute close to ten times the rest of the world's average. Among those other nations, many have higher…

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Refining one of my core message: Systemic Change Begins With Personal Change

  • Post category:Leadership

New: Systemic change begins with personal change. Old: Systemic change begins with personal transformation. What difference does a word make? I believe the bigger one is that unifying the two changes through repetition highlights the contrast between them. Making one a change and the other a transformation made one big complex concept. This way simplifies and calls attention to the action of personal change on systemic. My goal in this message is to liberate people from the debilitating and counterproductive fear that their actions don't matter, nor any other individual. People are debilitated by thinking that only solutions that solve…

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Robert McNamara and Geoengineering

Following up my podcast episode 516: Geoengineering: Prologue or Epilogue for Humanity?, I rewatched the documentary The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara. The movie is fascinating, relevant, and poignant to our geoengineering question, particularly Robert McNamara's approach to major decisions he played major roles in. The big ones were firebombing Japanese cities in World War II, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and escalating the war in Vietnam. The movie goes into more depth, but here's a quick quote of McNamara describing how right a decision seemed in the moment and how wrong it seems…

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2021 Nobel Prize in Physics: Climate Science and my response

Press release: The Nobel Prize in Physics 2021: 5 October 2021 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics 2021 “for groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of complex physical systems” with one half jointly to Syukuro ManabePrinceton University, USA Klaus HasselmannMax Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany “for the physical modelling of Earth’s climate, quantifying variability and reliably predicting global warming” and the other half to Giorgio ParisiSapienza University of Rome, Italy “for the discovery of the interplay of disorder and fluctuations in physical systems from atomic to planetary scales” My response The…

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My main discovery that makes The Spodek Method work

Those who listen to my podcast or attended my workshops know The Spodek Method, my two-stage interaction to lead someone to share their intrinsic emotions about the environment, think of a way to act on them, and share their results. I find people enjoy the process and results. They share them openly. I contrast it with nearly all other techniques I see people trying to influence others' environmental behavior. I see them relying on techniques like logical debate, instruction, convincing with data, appeal to emotions that aren't intrinsic, and so on. At first I thought my discovery was to appeal…

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Imagine India without Gandhi, South Africa without Mandela, the U.S. without King. Now imagine Earth today with their equivalent.

  • Post category:Leadership

Imagine India in the time of Gandhi, but without him. Without nonviolent civil disobedience and all he led the nation with, could the nation have gained independence? Most people at the time questioned or criticized what they saw as not fighting back. But England was stronger, so fighting back was a losing proposition. I think most people scoffed at their prospects. Yet he created a strategy that worked. I don't mean to oversimplify. Maybe I should say beyond him to include many others. Notice he didn't start within government nor a corporation, but he led one of history's greatest changes…

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My first open letter to the leadership training community

Regular readers know I first called my podcast Leadership and the Environment because I saw our response to the environment lacking leadership. As a leadership coach, I'm in touch with many leadership coaches, including some of the most renowned who have been guests on the podcast. Leaders and leadership coaches could play the most important role addressing our environmental problems. Instead, nearly none act. Those who act to so ineffectively, hindered by not trying to act sustainably themselves, so not knowing what changing a lifestyle to sustainability takes or means. To leaders and leadership coaches,Our environmental problems are dominating the…

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Teamwork will elevate us to victory

Can anyone imagine a sports or business team suggesting the way to success is to ignore teamwork and only focus on individual action? Here is what winning as a team looks like. You can imagine how it feels. When I hear someone say, "one person's actions don't matter", "only governments and corporations can make a difference," and the like, I want to let them in on how a come-from-behind victory can feel. When everyone on the team delivers for everyone else, not for him- or herself, the each benefits individually. I've been on teams that have won great victories. I've…

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#4 of the Top 15 Leadership Blogs You Should Be Reading in 2021: This One.

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peopleHum is an AI-enabled human capital management platform that enhances the employee experience as well as supports all your needs from an HR perspective. HR develops leadership so peopleHum ranked the Top 15 Leadership Blogs You Should Read in 2021. Guess whose blog sits at #4? Of course, you already knew the value of the blog you're reading. I'm honored that they wrote: 4. Joshua Spodek ‍ Experience: Joshua Spodek has spoken for 3 TEDx talks and is the author of both Initiative and Leadership Step by Step. He also hosts a well regarded podcast, This Sustainable Life.  Blog Content:…

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Why you shouldn’t live sustainably (not really): Coming clean about my shameful sponge

Every time I look at my floor sponge I think, "it's beyond the end of its life. Time to get rid of it." Below are pictures of the front and back. It's in tatters. But look at the third picture. It still cleans the floor. Why get rid of something that works? I've cleaned my floor every fifth day without fail for about five years, maybe more. I do it before my weight lifting routine to warm me up and start the process. It's more than a routine, almost a ritual. I used to mop, but my apartment isn't even…

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The point of individual action when you want to change systems

Part of why I act and try to lead is to develop more effective ways to communicate and motivate. People have developed tremendous skills to dance around sustainability issues. They'll ask for ideas of what they can do. Then they'll respond, "but systems have to change." Then when you talk systemic change, they ask, "But what do I do?". In practice, they dance around five or ten issues where their answers bounce around, dodging answers more than leading to action. "But individual actions don't make a difference . . ." One of the most common topics people dodge personal responsibility…

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A New Reason I Pick Up Trash Every Day

I've held back on sharing this because it felt too presumptuous. To remind you the context, I've found that to lead on sustainability, you need experience in three areas: LeadingScienceLiving the values you promote I know of almost no one with experience in all three. Not Gore, DiCaprio, Thunberg, or any of the big names people associate with sustainability. Previous guest Alexandra Paul fits the bill. For a while, I've contended that picking up litter gives me experience both leading and living the values I promote. Of course, it reduces the garbage immediately reaching the oceans too. Several other minor…

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Don’t put your faith in the next generation. The last generation put faith in you. Act yourself first.

It's become fashionable, it seems, for old people to say their delight and confidence that the next generation will fix the problems we created. I see them trying to pass the buck to people who can't speak back. I've written before that they're just saying "no me, not now, someone else, some other time." Old people can vote, hold assets, be elected, drive, and so on. Young people can't. Waiting for them to acquire tools of power and use them while we don't will take too long. We can fix the problems we created. Not wait for them. If we…

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More Mechai Viravaidya resources: Our world’s top role model

In preparing for my podcast conversation with Mechai Viravaidya, his team sent extra material. I think you'll value knowing more about him. First, given that We Can Dance Around Environmental Problems All We Want. We Eventually Reach Overpopulation and Overconsumption, I consider Mechai's work on family planning among the most important work in the world, beyond the Green Revolution. He lowered birth rate through voluntary, fun means that increased health, longevity, prosperity, and stability, the opposite of China's One Child Policy or eugenics. He enabled us to talk about and act on the most important driver of the environmental problems…

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Why I Chose Not to Run for Office

First, I support people who choose to work through government to stop our degrading Earth's ability to sustain life. I believe they can achieve a lot. I want to get them votes. But I see other ways to lead that others aren't doing where I can affect more. When I concluded the most important missing action on sustainability was leadership about a decade ago, I considered running for office. We often call our elected officials leaders, though few lead by my definition. My role models who changed cultures, like Mandela, King, Gandhi, Buddha, Jesus, Laozi, and their peers, started outside…

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What Actions Reduce Greenhouse Emissions Most?

People often ask what personal actions they can do to reduce emissions most. I'll give the answer by the numbers, then give a better answer. Sadly, most people who ask then respond with reasons why they can't do anything, rationalizing that they are powerless when they aren't. They just want to feel better. By the numbers As you can see, having fewer kids dwarfs everything. I do all of the things in the chart and have never been happier, healthier, or connected to supportive community and family. I spend less money, have more free time, live more adventure, and connect…

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12 Sustainability Leadership Lessons Unplugging My Fridge for 6.5 Months Taught Me

Isn't a refrigerator essential? Isn't life with them better? I thought so. I'll quote my mom from my podcast to illustrate where I came from: I grew up where it was easily ninety degrees every single day. In fact, where I worked, the store if it got ninety degrees outside we got to close the store and go home because it was that unsafe. To me, air conditioning was wonderful. And to my mom and my grandmother, not having to use ice box refrigerators was great. I really appreciate all of that today and I understand that we've gone overboard…

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