“Why the Ivy League could end up like the big 3 carmakers: utterly disrupted” My story in Quartz

Joshua Spodek Uneducated at Any GPA Is the Ivy League Today Big 3 Auto of the 1960s? America's top universities today are like America's Big 3 car manufacturers of the 60s: hugely profitable, projecting growth for decades, the envy of the world, dominating their markets, dictating terms to customers and employees, and accelerating to bankruptcy. Cars aren't diplomas, but besides the obvious differences between the fields, systemic similarities suggest a need to act for leadership asleep at the wheel. Missed Opportunities I participated in an NYU committee to promote entrepreneurship. Nobody seemed to notice the irony in the following two…

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Next Year Now and cracking the leadership code

Tom Heffner, host of the Next Year Now podcast, just posted his interview of me. Tom and I got to be friends following up this podcast, based on our mutual passion for learning and practicing leadership skills, education, values, and many of the things you read about here, so you'll hear the chemistry. Plus, he came to these areas from a science and aerospace background, as I did. As Tom wrote: Today might be our most important episode ever. That’s because we’re going to talk about leadership.  Few things are as impactful in our life as good leadership – be…

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Social and emotional challenges are different

Leadership, entrepreneurship, and other performance-based professional practices are fundamentally social and emotional. Traditional academics teaches you to comply, not to lead or take initiative. It teaches intellectual skills, which are perfect for the knowledge worker of the mid-twentieth century. Those days are gone. Today's challenges are social and emotional—how to create relationships and learn people's problems so you can solve them. Learning to lead, innovate, create, and solve people's problems requires self-awareness, teamwork, empathy, and other social and emotional skills. Most graduates of traditional education learned to analyze, recall facts, and other intellectual skills, which, today, keep you from promotion.…

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Ask not how to lead but how to learn to lead

Sometimes people who want to know to lead ask directly, How do you lead? I don't think they're asking a question that will help them improve their leadership. You can walk and talk, but you'd be hard pressed to describe how you do it beyond generalities like “you put one foot in front of the other.” No one taught you the theory behind language or walking. You practiced until you succeeded. You fell along the way. You would never lecture to a child on how to talk. Same with playing an instrument, sport, or any performance-based practice. You learn by…

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10 Signs U.S. Universities Are Sabotaging Themselves

10 Signs U.S. Universities Are Sabotaging Themselves Moody's downgraded higher education to "negative." S&P agreed. Finances aren't the problem. Leadership is. S&P predicted a bleak future for higher education last week. Last month Moody's downgraded the sector to from "stable" to "negative." Leaders know financial issues usually aren't root problems but point to them. Here are 10 signs pointing to problems among American universities independent of finance, from most obvious leading to the broadest and most important. 10. The most successful students leave American universities. The following people left American universities (or never went), not out of ignorance but knowing that what universities offered would hold them back: Elon Musk Bill…

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Civilian Service and a Civilian Service Academy: Crazy or the Answer to Many Problems?

Meeting with Frances Hesselbein means talking about service. Her touchstone phrase is "to serve is to live." All the men in her life served in the military. She taught at West Point and led me to my co-teaching for three days last fall. By contrast, when I grew up, I associated the military with the draft, whose compulsory nature seemed unconstitutional. My sense of community has changed---I would say matured. I find discipline valuable and lacking in the United States. A civilian service, maybe mandatory A year or so ago, Frances mentioned the idea of civilian service, maybe even compulsory…

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Nurturing Millennial Leaders: the Influencive Interview

Influencive's Surya Prakash Singh posted an interview of me, "Nurturing Millennial Leaders," of how to start leading, especially if your traditional education didn't help. The article begins Nurturing Millennial Leaders I get the chance to speak with author and leadership specialist Joshua Spodek. According to a survey, each day approximately 10,000 baby boomers retire. By 2020, 48% of the workforce will be made of millennials. Because of this scenario, 84% of organizations are bound to feel the lack of leaders in the organization in the next 5 years. How can we mold Millennials to embrace and develop leadership skills? Being…

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The 20/80 Rule, Leadership, and Integrity

My Inc. post today, "The 20/80 Rule, Leadership, and Integrity," begins The 20/80 Rule, Leadership, and Integrity In a leader's relationships, the 20/80 rule counts, not the 80/20 rule. Leadership means people watch you--not to what you want to say or do, or mean to, but what you actually say and do. Attention to detail counts. Not sometimes, but always. What Vince Lombardi said about winning applies to leadership: Leading is not a sometime thing; it's an all the time thing. You don't lead once in a while; you don't do things right once in a while; you do them right all of the time. Leading is a habit. Unfortunately, so is…

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6 Lessons I Learned Teaching Leadership With a 4-Star General at West Point

[EDIT: Lloyd Austin has since become the United States Secretary of Defense. He also endorsed my book, Leadership Step by Step, saying: Great leaders aren’t born with a ‘leadership gene’; great leaders develop the necessary skills and gain confidence through practice and hard work. In Leadership Step by Step Joshua Spodek presents a thoughtful approach to becoming a highly effective leader that emphasizes the importance of experiential learning. It will serve as a valuable resource for leaders at all levels in any profession. Indeed, Joshua’s practical exercises will help prospective, as well as experienced leaders, to master their craft and…

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West Point and Leadership: First Impressions

[EDIT: Lloyd Austin has since become the United States Secretary of Defense. He also endorsed my book, Leadership Step by Step, saying: Great leaders aren’t born with a ‘leadership gene’; great leaders develop the necessary skills and gain confidence through practice and hard work. In Leadership Step by Step Joshua Spodek presents a thoughtful approach to becoming a highly effective leader that emphasizes the importance of experiential learning. It will serve as a valuable resource for leaders at all levels in any profession. Indeed, Joshua’s practical exercises will help prospective, as well as experienced leaders, to master their craft and…

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An Inside Look at the World of Career Coaching

Columbia University's Alumni Association posted a piece I wrote, "An Alum's Inside Look at the World of Career Coaching," which included a video of my WBECS talk from a couple months ago. It begins An Alum's Inside Look at the World of Career Coaching By Joshua Spodek '93CC, '96GSAS, '99GSAS, '06BUS of the Columbia Career Coaches Network Spodek shares valuable insight from his job as a career coach and details the real value in working with the Network to better your career. With five diplomas from Columbia, I love our alma mater's education, but I recognize the limitations of traditional education. What we…

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See me on Leadership, the Environment, and Navigating Your Business’s Greatest Challenges November 2 in Manhattan

See me next Thursday, November 2 at the NY Public Library Science, Industry, and Business branch in midtown Manhattan. I'm honored to present at such a prestigious and storied institution. As I'm approaching launching my podcast, Leadership and the Environment, I'll speak on our sore need for leadership in the environment, as well as how it applies to the greatest challenge most leaders face: leading people without using authority. Whether your greatest concern is your business, your personal or professional development, or the environment, you will enjoy the event and gain skills you can use that day. The event is…

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How Do I Live My Values?

Daniel Bauer uncovered what I'm up to next and what led me to it in his second interview of me for his Better Leaders Better Schools podcast. He released it yesterday. All the burpees, vegetables, and so on are leading up to a lot more than just personal habits, as the conversation reveals. The next big step is the podcast launch, featuring some big names---a Pulitzer Prize winner, tens-of-millions-times-viewed TED talker, New York Times bestselling authors, and more---sharing their struggles you don't normally see. Daniel and I talked about its origins and why such big names are doing it, even…

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Using Emotions As a Leadership Essential

Joan Sotkin hosts The Prosperity Show podcast and today posted "Using Emotions As a Leadership Essential," her conversation with me. The show's subtitle is A holistic approach to business and financial success, which is what we covered: business from a holistic perspective---about emotions, motivations, learning, and more. It's what she covers in general, without getting ethereal or too theoretical. As a bonus you get to hear birds chirping in the background since I was at in the yard. Listen to the conversation. Here are the show notes: Joshua Spodek, bestselling author of Leadership Step by Step, is an Adjunct Professor…

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Reviews and reflections from guest speaking recently

I recently guest hosted an online seminar for Park Howell's course in the Executive Masters of Sustainability Leadership program at ASU. The student reviews and reflections touched and inspired me. I can't help sharing them. I described and performed one exercise from my Leadership Step by Step book and course. You can imagine that if these results come from one session, how much doing all the exercises in the book or course would give. Enough from me. Here are the students. I thoroughly enjoyed Joshua Spodek’s perspective and angle he took to engage through experience to train leaders. I purchased…

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Last chance to improve your coaching with free admission to the premier online coaching summit for two readers!

Yesterday I announced that I'm offering two free passes to my readers for the premier online coaching summit---World Business and Executive Coach Summit (WBECS) online summit---which starts TOMORROW. If you're interested in one of those passes, email me how it will help you help others. Please make the subject "Spodek WBECS". I'll pick two people at random today who are subscribed to my newsletter (my page has subscription forms). A random drawing seems the most fair way to me. Click here to learn why WBECS is so awesome (hint: it's mostly the speakers, both quality and quantity). About WBECS: With…

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Want to improve your coaching? I’m offering free admission to the premier online coaching summit for two readers!

In June and July, I posted videos from my participating in the premier online coaching summit: World Business and Executive Coach Summit (WBECS) online summit. They were part of the pre-conference. I'm in touch with the organizers and scored two passes for the full summit, which starts THURSDAY, and I'm offering these free passes to my readers. If you're interested in one of those passes, email me how it will help you help others. Please make the subject "Spodek WBECS". I'll pick two people at random tomorrow at 5pm who are subscribed to my newsletter (my page has subscription forms).…

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Read to Lead’s Jeff Brown’s interview on Leadership Step by Step

Award winning former radio host for 26 years, Jeff Brown hosts the #3 ranked Read to Lead podcast. His experience and passion show in his interview, as well as his research into my book and the field. He posted the interview today. Here's a highlight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4XFSA9ihsg Listen to the interview Listen to the interview Here are the show notes: There is no shortage of books that talk about leadership. Few, though, actually help you learn how to lead. Fortunately for you and me, our guest today has not only taken on the challenge of solving this problem, he’s done so…

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Join my workshop at the New York Public Library, Saturday September 9

You've heard about my book, Leadership Step by Step, its 60+ 5-star reviews, and how its exercises change lives. I may have told you about the standing ovations I get at workshops. Now you can see me at a public workshop where I'll cover one of my book's most popular (and fun to learn) exercises. Here are the details. Be sure to register! (You can buy a copy of Leadership Step by Step first to prepare for it and for me to sign there.) Meaningful Connection: A Workshop Time: Saturday, September 9, 2017, 3 - 5 pm Location: Tompkins Square…

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See my interview on the Transformative Leadership Summit TODAY, for 48 hours only

My webinar on leadership, education, and learning to lead is on the Transformative Leadership Summit TODAY. It's valuable, but is a teaser that will only be free for 48 hours. I recommend watching. No obligation to participate in the summit, buy you may find you want to. I'm very impressed with Jethro, who is running it. I'm doing it as a friend who likes his work. I don't get anything out of it. Here's the link, featuring my video TODAY and TOMORROW.

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See me tomorrow on the Transformative Leadership Summit, for a limited time only

      My webinar on leadership, education, and learning to lead will appear on the Transformative Leadership Summit tomorrow. It's valuable, but is a teaser that will only be free for 48 hours. I recommend watching it. No obligation to participate in the summit, buy you may find you want to. I'm very impressed with Jethro, who is running it. I'm doing it as a friend who likes his work. I don't get anything out of it. Here's the link, featuring my video starting 8am August 3.        

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Transformative Leadership, a guest post from Jethro Jones

Jethro Jones is hosting the Transformative Leadership summit. I know him because he hosts the Transformative Principal podcast. Here's my conversation with him, “How You Learn Is As Important As What You Learn." I'm participating in the summit. We recorded part of my session, and if you want to improve your leadership, you'll benefit from the summit. I recommend signing up! There are many short recordings of what you'll hear at the online event so you can learn and find out more. Longtime readers know I barely promote anything that isn't my book or courses, but I'm promoting Jethro. Jethro…

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NYU Students Speak About Joshua Spodek’s Entrepreneurship and Leadership Courses

I recently met with two groups of students who took my leadership and entrepreneurship courses at NYU, Charlie Rose-style. I believe the 9 students represent the experiences of the majority of students who took my courses and did the exercises conscientiously. They included undergraduates who took my courses as freshmen and adult professionals founding or running successful businesses they founded and ran for decades. These videos are the first of more to come from these conversations. Two are mostly edited. The third is still in progress. I think they speak for themselves so here they are: Six entrepreneurship students https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLsrEwaJ94g…

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