How to start to lead

The more I teach and coach leadership and entrepreneurship, the more I see them as sets of behavioral skills anyone can learn. Behaving in certain ways results in people choosing to follow you. Behave otherwise and they won't. There's no magic to it. The question isn't if you can behave like effective leaders do. The question is if you choose to learn and if you find effective learning technique. Your behavior is backed up by beliefs, experience, skills, and so on, but ultimately you transmit all those other things through your behavior. Other people can't sense your thoughts or see…

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Hustlers and clowns

Hustlers and clowns are two types of business people I've found. Actually, they're everywhere, not just business, but I'll talk about them in a business context. Hustlers Hustlers do what it takes to do the job by learning and meeting people's needs. I love working with hustlers, at least the type I mean. The student who sold an apple as a challenge for five dollars and made the buyer feel she was getting a discount in my post "How to make selling fun and effective" is a hustler. My friend offered him a job because when he told me what he…

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Video: How to make selling fun and effective

In motivation, influence, and persuasion, sales and leadership overlap a lot. Sales is also the most common route to CEO, I've heard, so if you want to lead, you benefit from learning sales. Below is a video interviewing a guy who is incredible at sales. He sold an apple for five dollars, with the buyer believing she got a discount! My retelling the story about it led to a friend offering him a job. And the guy is still an undergraduate at NYU. This video tells the story of his acting on my assignment to sell an apple for as…

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Six reasons to learn leadership skills even if you don’t want to lead

People ask me if there's value to learning leadership if you don't plan to lead. Yes, at least with the style of leadership I teach, based in self-awareness and emotional skills. It helps across many areas in your life, especially your relationships and self-awareness. I'm not sure if command-and-control or some other styles help as much. Here are six reasons, not comprehensive, that come to mind first. 1. Leadership skills improve your relationships All relationships involve some give and take, negotiation, conflict management, listening, understanding, and so forth. These areas are what leadership covers. Developing skills in those areas, even…

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Learn more leadership, motivation, and influence Saturday!

This Saturday, August 23, 10am-5pm, I’ll lead a seminar with General Assembly on leadership in New York City. Register here, you’ll be glad you did. This is the seminar that led to this testimonial: Josh, you may be interested to know I took out an Associate who will be working on my team and used your technique. She teared up, saying, no one ever asked her these questions and she is so grateful that I am taking an approach to her work based on what she likes and wants to do. It also revealed some of her deep fears and…

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How to manage your manager: the main concepts

"My manager sucks. How do I get them to manage me better?" People ask me this question all the time. The words differ for each person but the concept is the same. Probably every client I've coached, no matter what issue they started with, also wanted to work on improving their situation with their manager. Having coached enough on it, I'm putting the main concepts here. If I see demand I'll make a book of it. When the book "How to manage your manager" debuts as a best-seller, you can tell people you saw the first post on the topic.…

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Common traits among leaders and successful people across industries, fields, and disciplines

A reader asked me to write about common traits of leaders and successful people across different industries and fields. Of course there's a famous business book that covers seven of their habits. I'll look at it from a couple different perspectives. Functional skills hold you back at higher levels Functional skills are ones to do a specific type of work, like sales, programming, engineering, marketing, and so on. Most people get hired for functional skills. They look good on your resume when you start. A typical job progression for someone who succeeds at each level starts with a functional role…

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What to say when an organization is considering hiring you

The context: an organization is considering hiring you, maybe as an employee, maybe as a consultant or freelancer, maybe just to collaborate. The challenge: if you read my blog, you don't just want a job where you punch a clock. You want to contribute meaningfully, meaning your vision extends beyond the immediate task they're thinking about. The conflict: if you don't talk about your vision, you don't know how well you fit at the organization. You don't want to join based on a misunderstanding and then find you want to leave soon. But if you do share your vision, they…

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See Joshua Spodek lead a leadership workshop at General Assembly, May 22

If you don't know about General Assembly, you should. They started as an incubator for startups in New York, then found offering courses met a larger demand and transformed into an educational institution and community, now all over the country, Europe, and Asia. Very exciting, dynamic, entrepreneurial, and building community. They've invited me to speak on leadership next Thursday in Manhattan, 6:30-8pm. Below is the announcement of the event. I look forward to seeing you there. Entrepreneur Meetup Joshua Spodek Adjunct Professor at NYU About This Event You're invited! Join us for a special entrepreneur meetup & workshop. The topic…

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How to follow up a referral

Referrals help get things done. After all, your network is often your greatest asset in any project and referrals increase your network. More valuable than a single referral is someone who will refer you again---a goose that lays golden eggs. You want people like that in your world and you want them motivated to refer you more. Sometimes people get so enamored with a new connection they forget what created the connection: the person who referred them. If they gave you one great referral, they probably have more. My policy for following up a referral: Make the person who referred…

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See my webinar at Ivy Exec at 12:30pm today!

[EDIT: Download the presentation slides here] Ivy Exec is an online set of resources for building community among those serious about getting ahead. Among other resources, they host webinars on workplace skills. Today at 12:30 I'll host a webinar on the core of my seminar "How to Lead People So They Want You to Lead Them Again," principally the central exercise. As with all my seminars, I will give a core skill you can use immediately and a simple explanation of why it works so you can make it your own. This exercise helps you motivate people deeply to contribute…

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My semester at NYU

With the semester finishing, I wanted to record what I did at NYU. My main goal was to help my students and give to the NYU community. Taught Entrepreneurial Marketing and Sales. One of main roles NYU hired me for was to teach this elective for graduate students. Several students said it was the best course they took at NYU and I was their best instructor. More than half said they are continuing the projects they started in the course after it ends. At least one got a job offer from a class exercise. At least one got an internship…

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How to get job offers without looking for a job

I got my last job without looking for it. Two of my NYU students followed my advice and got job offers without looking for them. It takes a while to explain how to do it, but once someone gets it, they get it. The technique doesn't get you job offers non-stop or on a predictable schedule, but it will lead you to get offers for jobs you like. Having the expectation helps when you have a job you don't like. Instead of wasting resources on looking for a new job, knowing one will come from this technique will make your…

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See the April 21 NYU panel on Women in Entrepreneurship video

Here is the video from April 21st's panel on women in entrepreneurship I posted about before. From the April 21, 2014 event announcement: Bridge at Wagner, NYU Special Interest Housing and NYU Entrepreneur's Network Present Women in Entrepreneurship Many entrepreneurs face similar challenges: getting the first round of funding, launching while in school, or avoiding burnout in the lean years before your business becomes profitable. While we often look for ways to solve these challenges, we rarely talk about how this experience is different for women. Join NYU Entrepreneurship Special Interest Housing, the NYU Entrepreneur's Network and Bridge at Wagner…

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The problem with business books, and a solution

Why do you read business books? I've asked people that question lately and a common theme runs through their answers. They read business books to improve their performance. They read them to get this feeling, like when the read something like that mastery takes ten thousand hours of dedicated effort: "That's a useful piece of information [or technique]. Now that I know it I can use it to get ahead." That is, they read business books to change their behavior. Some people clarify that they read them to improve skills so they can lead others better, meaning to change others' behavior,…

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Seminar testimonial: tears of gratitude from leading an employee so they want you to lead them again

An attendee from March's seminar “How to Lead People So They Want You to Lead Them Again”, wrote about her experience using the techniques of the seminar at her job---that is, leading employees so they want you to lead them again. She also has an MBA from Columbia and works at a prestigious firm. Josh, you may be interested to know I took out an Associate who will be working on my team and used your technique. She teared up, saying, no one ever asked her these questions and she is so grateful that I am taking an approach to…

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See an NYU panel on Women in Entrepreneurship April 21!

As the faculty advisor to NYU's special interest housing floor for entrepreneurship, I asked my residents what types of events they wanted. Among the responses was that they wanted exposure to women in entrepreneurship. I asked a friend if she would speak. She responded with several women who could speak. The entrepreneur in me seeing high demand and high supply knew there was opportunity in bringing them together. I followed up by speaking to some NYU student groups that all showed interest in building the event, community formed, and meeting the initial student request evolved into a major panel of…

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If they’re talking, you’re winning

An old saying in sales says that If they're talking, you're winning. The phrase says a lot and suggests effective strategies. (You have to forget how it implies the interaction has a winner and loser). How do you get someone talking a lot? The best way I know is to get them talking about what matters to them. What matters to them is what motivates them. If you're talking, you'll have a hard time getting them to share or understanding their needs.

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Bored at work? Looking for a new job means you’re probably looking in the wrong place

I saw this ad in the subway and confess it made me smile, but if you want to like your job more, I suggest it gives counterproductive advice and focuses your attention in the wrong place. The door was opening and I didn't have time to get all the text, but it reads If the best part of your day is taking a 20-minute break to throw birds at pigs, it might be time to find a new job. Clever and timely, but it focuses on your job as the source for your job satisfaction. A web site that benefits…

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A testimonial from Harvard talk on Friday

An attendee, David, at Friday's talk at Harvard with GiveGetWin, spoke to me for a while before the event began and then after. He wrote the following Joshua’s talk at Harvard was wonderful. He masterfully dissected the process of decision-making and the influence it has on people’s lives. In less than 15 minutes he left me with enough to think about for a week. After the event we ended up speaking more and Joshua’s knowledge of etymology and his precise and knowledgeable demeanor blew me away. I couldn't help sharing it. The audience asked lots of questions and shared personal…

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See Joshua Spodek at Harvard today!

Monday I spoke at NYU-Stern with a group called GiveGetWin on Leadership and Entrepreneurship. Judging by the number of attendees who asked questions and went out for drinks with us after, the event went great and they invited me to speak at Harvard today. Sorry for the last-minute notice, but I wasn't sure I could make it work in my schedule. The details are that I'll talk about leadership and entrepreneurship along with a few other speakers involved in GiveGetWin's tour. We'll speak at the Harvard Science Center starting at 6:30pm in Auditorium D. If you're around Boston or Cambridge,…

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Motivating Rejections — The Series

I've learned to view what many people call failure as experience and lack of failure as not experimenting enough. If you avoid failure absolutely, I would guess I would sound annoying to me. Not that I'm special in this way. The entrepreneurial community celebrates failure, at least among those who learn from it despite the pain. So do sports and plenty of other places. A major part of my failures come in the form of rejections. Like many of my failures that turned into great learning experiences that led to great successes, many rejections renewed passions in me to succeed…

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The Origins of “How to Lead People So They Want You to Lead Them Again”

When you think about influencing or motivating someone in business, what tools do you think of using? How do you think of motivating people? Did you think of incentive-based tools based in authority, like bonuses, promotions, raises, increasing or decreasing someone's responsibilities, threat of firing, threat of demotion, and the like? In my experience, most people do. Why not? We're used to seeing them used. They work fairly predictably---almost nobody prefers no raise to a raise. We're used to experiencing others use on them on us. We can easily see them used and measure their effects. These tools fail you…

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The value of entrepreneurial skills for artists and vice versa

Pyragraph Magazine just published a piece I wrote, "The Value of Entrepreneurial Skills for Artists," on how I hustled (a term that for me in entrepreneurship means only positive things) my way into a prestigious teaching gig at NYU while creating a big public art work. I loved and benefited from each. Neither opportunity could stand on its own, but both together worked. And the city, the school, and the students benefited. You don't have to make art to see how you can apply the story to your life. Check out the story.

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See Joshua Spodek on a distinguished panel on Entrepreneurship and Leadership at NYU March 27

I've been invited to participate on a panel with several distinguished entrepreneurs and leaders at NYU March 27 6pm-7:30pm. Click here for the announcement and to register (the event is free, but you have to register). Below is the text. NYU Entrepreneurs Network & NYU Leadership Development Initiative present Entrepreneurship VS Leadership Similarities, Differences, & Lessons Learned We often talk about leadership and entrepreneurship as if they were the same thing. Have you wondered what is the relationship between these two fields? How transferable are the skills and capacities that might be required for each? What role does entrepreneurship play…

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