The Benefits of Experiential Learning for Leaders with Rocket Scientist Joshua Spodek Mark Bidwell, founder and podcast host of Innovation Ecosystem, posted today a wonderful interview about Leadership Step by Step, experiential learning, exercises, and more. I can only describe Mark as someone who gets it. He ascended the corporate ladder, where he drove innovation, built teams, and so on, then found there was more to life and is creating resources to enable others to. If you are looking to improve your leadership, social, and emotional skills, Mark gets to the heart of how to, covering techniques that work, as well as the problems of traditional education that suppress learning these…

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How To Lead Better Through Practice: Watch a video with me and David Burkus

David Burkus is a writer, speaker, and coach on leadership and creativity. A mutual friend put us in touch and he's helped me with my book, coaching, and writing since. He's also hosting the Work Smarter Summit, an online summit of speakers, interviews, teachers, and thought leaders. I'm one of the speakers! ... That means it's quality. Here's a screen shot: My conversation with him is full of useful information, background, and tips. Here's a screenshot of my talking to him: Click here to view the video, which covers leadership techniques, perspectives, and a lot of what is in my…

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Genuineness and authenticity: What it takes

I finally watched Gone With the Wind. People routinely rate it one of the top movies. Watching it, you automatically rate it by the standards of its time. But watch the acting these iconic scenes. The morning after watching the movie, I woke up realizing how ungenuine and inauthentic the acting was. Sure, by the standards of its time, the acting was probably great. But watch this scene, the opening scene of the movie. Do you not see what are supposed to be grown men behaving like caricatures of children? At 0:56 the man shows his happiness by dancing. What…

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Amazon ships Leadership Step by Step today!

Several milestones mark a book's publication. is the dominant book retailer and today they officially started shipping my book, Leadership Step by Step. Early reviews look promising: 27 5-star reviews and 1 4-star. Here's a screenshot The book has jumped to 472nd place in leadership, an auspicious beginning. Still, 471 places to go. I recommend reading the reviews and buying copies for everyone you know ;). Thank you! Reaching this point took a lot of work from many people, too many to list. But I have to thank my agent Melissa, who ushered me from drafts whose poor writing…

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An educational, learning perspective on Leadership Step by Step from the Better Leadership Better Schools podcast

Daniel Bauer of the Better Leaders Better Schools podcast interviewed me and posted it today. As Daniel helps develop school leaders, mainly K-12, he approached Leadership Step by Step and my work from a more learning and educational perspective than most of the business and personal development approaches of other interviews. It's a natural perspective since I'm teaching, so I'm glad he did. The interview touched on a lot of where my material came from, and at least one very vulnerable moment I don't often share because it was such a difficult time---actually, one particular painful, tearful day that I…

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Join my workshop at the New York Public Library, Sunday February 19!

You've heard a lot about my book, Leadership Step by Step, its 5-star reviews, and how its exercises change people's lives. I may have told you about the standing ovation I got at Saturday's workshop with Marshall Goldsmith. Now you can see me at a public workshop where I'll cover one of my book's most popular (and fun to learn) exercises. Here are the details. Be sure to register! (You can buy a copy of Leadership Step by Step first to prepare for it and for me to sign there.) Meaningful Connection: A Workshop Time: Sunday, February 19, 2017, 2 -…

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How I will measure the success of my book

People keep congratulating me on publishing my book, for selling copies, for celebrities mentioning me. I like those things, but the book is a medium of communication. I consider it a means to an end. The point of the book is to give people tools to improve their lives, to develop the skills of empathy, compassion, responsibility, self-awareness, discipline, creating meaning, value, importance, purpose, passion, and related social and emotional skills that traditional education doesn't teach. "Leadership" is the closest word to it, but conjures up mental images of a man in a business suit giving orders for many people…

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The Leadership Podcast interviewed me. What great interviewers!

The Leadership Podcast---hosted by Jan Rutherford and Jim Vaselopulos---posted their interview of me today, "What An Ivy League Degree Can’t Teach You." Jan and Jim have clear passions and experience for leadership and interviewing. Their questions got to the heart of what I teach, what my book, Leadership Step by Step, is about, my goals in teaching, my motivations, and the inside story. Highly recommended! Here's their introduction and description on their page with the interview Professor and scientist, Josh Spodek, created specific exercises that teach emotionally intelligent behaviors   Summary & Ideas for Action Co-hosts Jan Rutherford and Jim…

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Medium awarded me “Top Writer” in three categories

I'm honored that Medium awarded my column "Top Writer" in three categories. "Great Work, Joshua Spodek. Congratulations! You are now a top writer in Leadership." "Great Work, Joshua Spodek. Congratulations! You are now a top writer in Inspiration." "Great Work, Joshua Spodek. Congratulations! You are now a top writer in Self Improvement." You can do what I did to earn it I wrote my book, Leadership Step by Step, to walk you through the steps of being able to inspire others and lead them through their self-improvement. I didn't write it "just" to engage you with inspirational writing, but to…

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Stellar reviews of other courses I’ve taught like Leadership Step by Step

Pre-order Leadership Step by Step on Amazon! or Register for a free webinar on the course! Reviews of Other Courses of Joshua Spodek Below are anonymous reviews by people who did the progression of exercises of other courses that I teach in the same style as Leadership Step by Step. They range from first year undergraduates to graduate students to adult learners to adult clients. (Not all are native English speakers.) -- “This is one of the greatest classes I have ever taken. It was engaging, thought provoking, challenging, and fun. Josh is an incredible teacher, mentor, and friend to everyone…

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Reviews of Leadership Step by Step: the Course

Leadership Step by Step on Amazon Below are anonymous reviews by people who did the book's exercises. They range from first year undergraduates to graduate students to adult learners to clients in their 60s who have sold businesses. (Not all are native English speakers.) “This course really changed by definition of “Leadership.” Joshua is an amazing professor. He taught this class in a way that we learned about ourselves and then to understand others. He taught us how to find the real emotions and beliefs behind someone's behavior and use that emotion to lead them and make them feel understood.”…

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Blurbs and Endorsements for Leadership Step by Step

Reviews of Leadership Step by Step By Joshua Spodek Buy Leadership Step by Step on Amazon! Great leaders aren’t born with a ‘leadership gene’; great leaders develop the necessary skills and gain confidence through practice and hard work. In Leadership Step by Step Joshua Spodek presents a thoughtful approach to becoming a highly effective leader that emphasizes the importance of experiential learning. It will serve as a valuable resource for leaders at all levels in any profession. Indeed, Joshua’s practical exercises will help prospective, as well as experienced leaders, to master their craft and ultimately to succeed in leading…

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Op/ed Friday: How climate change scientists are failing climate change initiatives

I teach leadership and I am passionate about reducing global warming. Global warming is a global effect meaning changing it will require global efforts, meaning changing behavior on a global scale. Changing behavior is leadership. In other words, changing global warming patterns requires leadership, no matter what technological solutions we find. Global warming leadership: is there any? I've been asking people lately to name effective leaders---people achieving their goals by motivating and influencing people---in the field of global warming. I recommend pausing reading to think of names yourself. After you guess, I'll tell you who is leading most effectively by…

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Booklist starred review for my book, Leadership Step by Step: “This is practical training made perfect. Bravo!”

I was pleasantly surprised by my publisher, Amacom, yesterday to learn that my book, Leadership Step by Step, received a starred review from Booklist. Booklist will publish the full review in their February 1st issue, so I can't quote the whole thing, but I'll quote what Amacom quoted: This is practical training made perfect. Bravo! For those who don't know much about Booklist, like I didn't before looking them up, I'll quote this Slate article, "Book Report:How four magazines you've probably never read help determine what books you buy": Look up a book on, and the first media review…

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Take my leadership course in person this spring at NYU, Wednesdays starting February 8

For those who live near New York and want to improve how they lead others (and themselves), you have multiple options this spring. Besides my online course, I am offering my leadership course at NYU this spring at NYU's School of Professional Studies Wednesdays 6pm - 9pm February 8 - May 10 (14 sessions) Here is the syllabus Register here! Limited seats available (13 last I checked) Student reviews from my courses The course will show you why my courses get reviews like: Register here! Limited seats available (13 last I checked) “This is one of…

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What You Thought Graduates of Elite Schools Have, But Probably Don’t

I guest posted today in, "What You Thought Graduates of Elite Schools Have, But Probably Don't." I wrote the piece for service-members transitioning to civilian leadership, but it applies to many people who worry about competing with graduates of elite schools. The guest post begins: It's easy to look at people who went to school while you served and think they're ahead of you, which can cause anxiety. As a professor with an MBA and PhD who teaches and coaches leadership and entrepreneurship at elite schools like Columbia Business School and New York University, I want to point out…

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The success of leaders grading themselves

Some teachers ask students to grade peers. Some ask for student input on grading. I go further. Radical self-grading I have students in my leadership courses grade themselves---not just give some input. They choose their grades. Moreover, I tell them that I will defend to the administration that they deserve them even if they all give themselves A's. I also add that this loyalty and defense requires backup from them. I don't just ask them their opinion at the end of the course. I have them write me at the beginning of the course what grade they target for themselves…

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Questions before you lead or teach

In his recent post, "Make the Work Worth Doing," Chris Lehmann, founding principal of the Science Leadership Academy, lists questions tremendously useful for leaders or anyone who wants to engage others and create meaning in their work. His perspective reinforces how important how you lead or teach is compared to what you do or teach. If you think you can't learn from a high school principal how to improve your skills to lead, engage, enable, and create meaning for others, how many of the following questions from his post (edited to include leadership contexts) would you answer yes to in…

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The leader as accompanist

The mainstream view of the leader is as the quarterback or command-and-control general. It's changing, but those views seem the most common. Different models for leading work better for different situations. Alternative models that I find work more often are that The leader serves his or her followers, see "Lessons in leadership from Frances Hesselbein, part 1" The leader is like a gardener, see "Jack Welch’s Gardening Model of Leadership" Another model I've used in teaching that applies to leadership comes from one of my physics professors who has become a friend since the early 90s. He plays piano and…

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A mistake that made it into my book

As promised in yesterday's post, "Writing a book is work!," today I'll share a problem I found after the deadline to go to press. Actually, I said I'd share more than one, so I'll follow up with more in later posts. What got in This one is my term ASEEP, an acronym I created to describe fields that are active, social, emotional, expressive, and performance-based, which includes acting, playing musical instruments, athletics, dance, and even the military. We teach all of these fields effectively, and in none of them do we start by lecturing theory at students for a year,…

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A student review: “I love this course… It is the wave of the future”

As part of teaching my leadership course at NYU, I give out a mid-semester evaluation. One student gave me permission to quote her evaluation. Here it is, unedited, besides my making the name of the course a link and making some text bold: What I like about the course, Leadership Step by Step, is my understanding of the decisions I make and why I think the way I do. From emotions to feelings to acting on a belief. Through work, friends and family my direct interactions with people have been enriched. I adjusted my speech and I chose to use…

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The core of my leadership technique

I've been refining how to describe my technique in leading others succinctly: Leading others is about behaving and communicating so the other person feels comfortable sharing their vulnerabilities. Their vulnerabilities tend to be their greatest passions and strongest motivations. Their sharing their passions makes them feel understood and open to being led to act on it. In fact, they crave being led by their passions. With experience, their sharing their motivations with you feels like them asking you to lead them with them. Connecting their passions to the team task imbues their work with meaning and inspires them. You supporting…

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Leadership Step by Step: first sightings of my book!

Over the weekend I got the first printed copies of my book! I've been working on it intensely for months, and building up to that intensity for longer than that. I've been developing the content and my practice for the better part of a decade. Some parts more. It feels great to hold it in my hands. I couldn't help take a few pictures with my phone, damn the torpedoes on the picture quality. I had to share! I'm still editing and ramping up the marketing, but the first physical copy feels like a major milestone. Stay tuned! More to…

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Spodek Academy on Facebook!

See the new Spodek Academy Facebook page… My courses (available now!) and book (launching in February!) are growing beyond this blog and deserve their own site. Yesterday I announced the new Spodek Academy web page (despite my aversion to Facebook and LinkedIn). Today I'm announcing the Facebook page, which will host forums, discussions, and more on leadership, entrepreneurship, active learning, hustling, The Fundamentals of Hustling, and more. As subscribers, would you please click here or the image below and like the page? You'll be glad you did as the community there grows with alumni of my courses and other skilled,…

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