Listen to me on The Entrepreneur Way podcast with Neil Ball

Take the Initiative and Start Acting on Something with Joshua Spodek Founder and Owner of Spodek Academy Neil Ball is a fascinating, probing host of the podcast The Entrepreneur Way. We spoke recently and today he posted our conversation. The conversation covers more of my entrepreneurial background, lessons, and views than any podcast I remember doing lately, which was a refreshing change from focusing on leadership, though we talked about leadership too. This conversation also marked one of my first times publicly considering taking a leadership role in the environment. Listen to the interview! Anyway, I recommend listening to the…

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Read my Forbes interview today by Jimmy Rohampton!

Jimmy Rohampton of Forbes caught up with and interviewed me. He posted the article today, "An Executive Coach's Best Tips On Facebook Groups, Habits And Doing Work You Love." Longtime readers who know how much I owe my success to writing daily in my blog will appreciate Jimmy's page: I found the connection helped us connect and make the interview more relevant. I was delighted to find that Forbes filed it under "The Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets." Read An Executive Coach's Best Tips On Facebook Groups, Habits And Doing Work You Love!

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Malcolm Gladwell, Seth Godin, Google, and a Harvard Expert: Colleges and Universities Are Broken

My Inc. article today, "Malcolm Gladwell, Seth Godin, Google, and a Harvard Expert: Colleges and Universities Are Broken," begins Malcolm Gladwell, Seth Godin, Google, and a Harvard Expert: Colleges and Universities Are Broken They aren't just complaining. They're offering alternatives. Malcolm Gladwell couldn't be more clear in his podcast about a school ranked by some as the number one liberal arts college: There's only one solution. If you're looking at liberal arts colleges, don't go to Bowdoin. Don't let your kids go to Bowdoin. Don't let your friends go to Bowdoin. Gladwell's podcast gave the context, about the school's values.…

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The Great Barrier Reef’s Demise and You

According to The Guardian: Great Barrier Reef at 'terminal stage': scientists despair at latest coral bleaching data ‘Last year was bad enough, this is a disaster,’ says one expert as Australia Research Council finds fresh damage across 8,000km I read this at a message board for geeks and entrepreneurs and shared the following, which I wanted to share here: Many posts here about how sad and disgusted people are. Not much about people taking personal responsibility. What do people think the carrying capacity of the planet means? Sustaining more humans means sacrificing other life that competes for our resources. It…

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So You Want to Build a Luxury Vodka?

My Inc. article yesterday reflected my journey from a pipe-dream I had in business school of starting a vodka brand to meeting the CEO of Absolut's attempt to regain the lead it lost decades ago, Jonas Tahlin. He's taking on the challenge in part by connecting himself personally with the brand. He has lots of resources but a lot to lose. The article, "So You Want to Build a Luxury Vodka?," begins So You Want to Build a Luxury Vodka? Premium is more personal and vulnerable than ever. Do you have the guts to do it? Jonas Tahlin shares what…

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Why Do We Dream Big About Everything Except Changing Our Behavior to Pollute Less?

My Inc. article today, "Why Do We Dream Big About Everything Except Changing Our Behavior to Pollute Less?," responded to a New York Times opinion piece yesterday that I found lame, even sad. My piece begins Why Do We Dream Big About Everything Except Changing Our Behavior to Pollute Less? A New York Times editorial illustrates our limited vision about our shared world Inc. readers are resourceful. We dream big. We entrepreneurs and visionaries are inspired by our predecessors in science, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership, NASA, and so on. People who launched humans to the moon, doubled transistors per chip every…

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The Benefits of Experiential Learning for Leaders with Rocket Scientist Joshua Spodek Mark Bidwell, founder and podcast host of Innovation Ecosystem, posted today a wonderful interview about Leadership Step by Step, experiential learning, exercises, and more. I can only describe Mark as someone who gets it. He ascended the corporate ladder, where he drove innovation, built teams, and so on, then found there was more to life and is creating resources to enable others to. If you are looking to improve your leadership, social, and emotional skills, Mark gets to the heart of how to, covering techniques that work, as well as the problems of traditional education that suppress learning these…

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My radio interview on Jim Blasingame’s Small Business Advocate

This morning Jim Blasingame interviewed me on his Small Business Advocate Show. Here is the interview: Find interviews with Small Business experts on the Small Business Advocate show Find interviews with Small Business experts on the Small Business Advocate show If you don't have javascript (and you see white space above this line), click the image below: Click below for three edited highlights: Defining leadership elements that sustain success: Joshua Spodek joins Jim Blasingame to reveal more key leadership disciplines, including serving others and creating new leaders. Defining leadership with four key steps: Joshua Spodek joins Jim Blasingame to reveal…

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Forbes on marketing Leadership Step by Step

Cheryl Conner at Forbes wrote, "Three Entrepreneurs Share How They Took Their Public Relations Strategy To A New Level," which covered me. Lord knows I'm in the middle of public relations! Anyone who has seen me in person this year has heard me say "I can't believe how much work goes into launching a book." I'm the third of three entrepreneurs profiled in the story. The part about me begins Joshua Spodek is a New York City-based executive coach and academic (he’s an adjunct professor for NYU) who is passionate about transformative leadership, creativity, strategy and motivation. His problem: A…

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The Leadership Podcast interviewed me. What great interviewers!

The Leadership Podcast---hosted by Jan Rutherford and Jim Vaselopulos---posted their interview of me today, "What An Ivy League Degree Can’t Teach You." Jan and Jim have clear passions and experience for leadership and interviewing. Their questions got to the heart of what I teach, what my book, Leadership Step by Step, is about, my goals in teaching, my motivations, and the inside story. Highly recommended! Here's their introduction and description on their page with the interview Professor and scientist, Josh Spodek, created specific exercises that teach emotionally intelligent behaviors   Summary & Ideas for Action Co-hosts Jan Rutherford and Jim…

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Becoming Your Best Podcast interviews me!

Steven M. Covey said about Steve and Rob Shallenberger's work and book: “The 12 Principles are crucial to the success of any leader, in any organization, in any industry!” Steve and Rob run Becoming Your Best, and Steve interviewed me in their podcast. He got to some of my formative experiences and the views that emerged from them. They introduced the interview as follows: If you are going to become a good pianist it takes practice. If you want to be a good athlete it takes practice. The same goes for becoming a good leader. Joshua Spodek earned such praise…

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Stellar reviews of other courses I’ve taught like Leadership Step by Step

Pre-order Leadership Step by Step on Amazon! or Register for a free webinar on the course! Reviews of Other Courses of Joshua Spodek Below are anonymous reviews by people who did the progression of exercises of other courses that I teach in the same style as Leadership Step by Step. They range from first year undergraduates to graduate students to adult learners to adult clients. (Not all are native English speakers.) -- “This is one of the greatest classes I have ever taken. It was engaging, thought provoking, challenging, and fun. Josh is an incredible teacher, mentor, and friend to everyone…

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What You Thought Graduates of Elite Schools Have, But Probably Don’t

I guest posted today in, "What You Thought Graduates of Elite Schools Have, But Probably Don't." I wrote the piece for service-members transitioning to civilian leadership, but it applies to many people who worry about competing with graduates of elite schools. The guest post begins: It's easy to look at people who went to school while you served and think they're ahead of you, which can cause anxiety. As a professor with an MBA and PhD who teaches and coaches leadership and entrepreneurship at elite schools like Columbia Business School and New York University, I want to point out…

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Secret Entourage Academy interviews me on entrepreneurship and leadership

Secret Entourage is a group that supports and promotes entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. I met them through my friend Jordan Harbinger, who invited me to North Korea. They interview me. If you like my style, the interview tells you a lot about me and my development. I recommend listening! (please excuse the video quality) Watch Secret Entourage Academy's interview of Joshua Spodek here. From their notes: About: Joshua Spodek decided to major in Physics after nearly giving up his love of science and math due to bullying through high school. After earning his PhD, he felt as if the more education…

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Questions before you lead or teach

In his recent post, "Make the Work Worth Doing," Chris Lehmann, founding principal of the Science Leadership Academy, lists questions tremendously useful for leaders or anyone who wants to engage others and create meaning in their work. His perspective reinforces how important how you lead or teach is compared to what you do or teach. If you think you can't learn from a high school principal how to improve your skills to lead, engage, enable, and create meaning for others, how many of the following questions from his post (edited to include leadership contexts) would you answer yes to in…

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Another difference between management and leadership

"What's the difference between leadership and management," people often ask. Here's one difference I often illustrate with. Most people I know haven't sold things and are afraid of selling. They fear rejection, failure, putting themselves out there, bothering people, and those parts of selling. They know most people feel the same. A great manager can create incentives for someone to sell, like with big commissions, training, resources, and a clear job description, but it's almost impossible to get someone who hasn't sold to sell successfully, putting their hearts into it. A great leader can inspire someone to feel such ownership…

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Spodek Academy on Facebook!

See the new Spodek Academy Facebook page… My courses (available now!) and book (launching in February!) are growing beyond this blog and deserve their own site. Yesterday I announced the new Spodek Academy web page (despite my aversion to Facebook and LinkedIn). Today I'm announcing the Facebook page, which will host forums, discussions, and more on leadership, entrepreneurship, active learning, hustling, The Fundamentals of Hustling, and more. As subscribers, would you please click here or the image below and like the page? You'll be glad you did as the community there grows with alumni of my courses and other skilled,…

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Announcing Spodek Academy!

See my new web page... My courses (available now!) and book (launching in February!) are growing beyond this blog and deserve their own site. Click Spodek Academy or the image below! You'll see videos, fuller explanations of the courses, testimonials, and more. ... And new social media sites! To create business connections with customers (and in contrast with my aversion to Facebook and LinkedIn), I'm creating Facebook and LinkedIn pages. So... Please like Spodek Academy's Facebook page Please connect to the Joshua Spodek LinkedIn page And connect to @spodek on Twitter You'll probably receive LinkedIn connection requests anyway.

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See me on an entrepreneurial leadership panel, October 13 in Manhattan

See me on a panel on entrepreneurial leadership with the Columbia Business School Alumni Club (all are welcome, membership not required), Thursday, October 13, 6pm-8pm at Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP, 1301 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY. Register Here! I look forward to seeing you there. From the event page: Entrepreneurial Leadership: Leadership in Starting a New Business Effective leadership is of vital importance at all stages of a business. Particularly to a new venture, have you thought of the impact of leadership on transforming an innovative idea into a successful business? Do you know what particular leadership…

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Looking for a mastermind group?

Do you have ideas or potential you're looking to develop? Do you find having others help while you help them spurs more creativity and action? Then you may want to work with a mastermind group. My friend and fellow coach, Silvia Christmann, is leading two eight-week curated groups, one starting September 15, the other September 20. While I coach, I don't have any stake in her work. I can tell you that if you like my perspective and how I work, you'll like working with her too. She has helped me through difficult times with sensitivity and caring. She has…

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Why leadership, sales, influence, and motivation is about them, not you

People didn't follow Martin Luther King because he wanted equality and freedom. They followed him because they wanted equality and freedom. Elon Musk isn't so popular because he loves electric cars. He's popular because we love electric cars, and their benefit relative to gas-powered cars. Dwight Eisenhower didn't enjoy leading the D-Day invasion. The allies, soldiers, and their families feared Hitler and wanted to protect themselves. Eisenhower's description of leadership is one of the most concise and effective I've seen, not surprising, given his leadership experience beyond nearly anyone's: Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something…

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Listen to Jim Harshaw’s Wrestling With Success podcast interview with me

I had a fantastic conversation with Jim Harshaw for his podcast, Wrestling With Success. I am honored and humbled that he invited me into the ranks of his guests. I recommend listening to many other episodes besides mine, including his early ones where you get to learn about him. Among other guests, he's had people in space. I've only helped build satellites. Jim is a Division 1 champion wrestler and coach who brings what sports and athletics brings to business and life. In his words, his podcast uncovers the secrets of the most successful people on the planet who are…

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Breakthrough Science on Leadership and Why You Shouldn’t Read This Article

My article yesterday, "Breakthrough Science on Leadership and Why You Shouldn't Read This Article" began Breakthrough Science on Leadership and Why You Shouldn't Read This Article How great leaders who never learned leadership from science, books, or classes became great. As a leader, entrepreneur, and professor, I used to enjoy TED talks and learning about frontier science. Do you feel, watching them, like I felt: "This is forefront stuff. Since most people don't know it, I can use it to get ahead!"? Same with Malcolm Gladwell books: "He knows breaking research. When I know it too, I'll have an insight to get ahead."…

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At Princeton’s ELab: How to get job offers by acting entrepreneurially

I got a few short clips from my presentation on entrepreneurship when I spoke at Princeton’s Elab recently. In this clip I describe how to use behaving entrepreneurially to get job offers. If you want similar experiences, take my entrepreneurship course. It develops you in small steps to work up to handling interactions like this. Even if you don’t, call valuable people. Err on the side of making things happen.

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The Unmistakable Creative podcast interviews me

Listen to the podcast The Power of Experiential Learning with Joshua Spodek The Unmistakable Creative podcast just released its interviews of me. The interview covered leadership, entrepreneurship, education, and a bunch of my life and growth. Their lead quote from the interview: "No one who is learning to play a musical instrument, no one who wants to learn a musical instrument would ever take a class where they would lecture you for a year on theory for putting it into practice. And in fact if you did want to learn piano theory or music theory, you still learn to play…

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