How I started coaching professionally: a “free coaching” offer on Craigslist

Anyone can do it. It cost me nothing. Cleaning my backup hard drive, I found a file with the text of how I started coaching professionally: by offering free coaching on Craigslist. Below is the text. It led to a few clients. One eventually told me he found it valuable enough he insisted on paying me. I insisted on staying with free, as that's what I offered, but he said he'd get more value for something he paid for. He's moved past coaching now and we're still friends. To clarify, I had informally coached friends, also free, for a while…

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More Mechai Viravaidya resources: Our world’s top role model

In preparing for my podcast conversation with Mechai Viravaidya, his team sent extra material. I think you'll value knowing more about him. First, given that We Can Dance Around Environmental Problems All We Want. We Eventually Reach Overpopulation and Overconsumption, I consider Mechai's work on family planning among the most important work in the world, beyond the Green Revolution. He lowered birth rate through voluntary, fun means that increased health, longevity, prosperity, and stability, the opposite of China's One Child Policy or eugenics. He enabled us to talk about and act on the most important driver of the environmental problems…

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“The Mandela of the Environment”—profiled in Wildpreneurs

Longtime podcast listeners have heard my struggle that began with seeing leadership as the main missing element on sustainability nobody is acting on, distinguishing leadership from management. In short, I saw no Mandela of the Environment and felt my best option would be to fill in the role---not to act like Mandela exactly, since the situations differ, but to take on a comparable role. Adopting the mantle seemed a no-win proposition. Failing would lead people to say, "Who did you think you were, anyway? Who tries to become a historical figure like him?" Success would mean likely attack from the…

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See my webinars on Initiative to Wharton and U. of Chicago Business School alumni.

I recently spoke online to alumni groups from the Wharton and University of Chicago business schools on developing initiative, specifically from my book, Initiative. Here are reviews from NYU students who did the exercises I describe in them. I asked if I could share the videos from the webinars. Here they are. As I say in them, I designed them to give you enough to work with on your own. The book is more comprehensive. Contact me if you're looking for yet more, like coaching. The University of Chicago Business School webinar The Wharton webinar and announcement

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I don’t mind if the restaurant industry shifts to home cooking and eating

Many articles lament the restaurant industry's struggles with the pandemic. What's so great about restaurants? Fewer restaurants doesn't mean fewer jobs or business, just shifting them to other areas---people have to eat, after all. People would cook at home more, where they would eat healthier, connect with family more, and pollute less. I would probably like a restaurant from decades ago, when they cooked from scratch, not all so-called comfort food. Nearly all restaurants serve mostly doof, not food. They design menus for comfort and entertainment, not health, nutrition, or local economies. Now kids can't identify vegetables. Here…

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285: How to take initiative

". . . but what I do doesn't matter . . ." Regular listeners know I can't stand this phrase. If you're like most people, you want to act on the environment. You want to make sure you make a difference and fear wasting your time or doing pointless work. I felt that way before I started the path that led to this podcast. Taking initiative overcame it. I wrote my book, Initiative, on taking initiative based on the course I've taught at corporations and NYU to stellar student reviews and videos. If you want to make a difference on…

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Dr. Pelè hosted me on the I GOT HAPPY podcast!

Dr. Pelè is a bestselling author, musician, and host of the I GOT HAPPY Podcast, where he features the stories of highly successful executives, experts, and entrepreneurs. He is the Bestselling Author of Big-Ticket Clients: You Can’t Catch A Whale With A Worm. Click to listen to our conversation at his page or click to watch the video below First, check out his page, listen to his music, read his story, and see how and why he's spreading so much happiness. Next, see my episode, which features a few stories of mine, plus a happy mood. The show notes…

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My take on “Google, YouTube To Pay $170 Million Penalty Over Collecting Kids’ Personal Info”

Maybe you saw the headlines that Google and YouTube had to pay a fine, paltry for them, for collecting kids' personal information. From the headline, I didn't think it seemed like such a big deal, as much as I value privacy, as much as I avoid Google, and as much as I value protecting helpless people from predatory entities. But reading the article, I saw how much they used the information to promote and enrich themselves. I couldn't help sharing here what I posted on a message board on the topic: Their meetings must be like Phillip Morris or whatever…

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RJ’s TEDx talk that began as homework from my course

RJ Khalaf took my course at NYU, Fundamentals of Social Entrepreneurship, a few years ago. His class project evolved into LEAD Palestine, which led the Dalai Lama to name him a Dalai Lama fellow. He also appeared on the Leadership and the Environment podcast and was a panelist on our expert panel last week. Saturday he gave his first TEDx talk at TEDx NYU. All credit goes to him for his accomplishments, but I felt great pride seeing something that emerged from my course reach international acclaim and to see his skill in representing the project. The beginning This…

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038: RJ Khalaf, conversation 2: Making productive leaders from hopeless martyrs

RJ and I talk about the early success of LEAD Palestine, the organization he began to teach leadership to youths that most of the world abandoned in Palestine. Where their environment made it natural to respond with hopelessness and what comes from it---desperation to the point of aspiring to blow oneself up---RJ is bringing social and emotional development to create hope themselves. They happen to have been born into a world where leadership meant in politics authoritarianism and militarism, which bled into personal relationships. Nobody taught alternatives and those who acted on those models succeeded, however much at others' costs.…

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Entrepreneur Magazine features me and Leadership Step by Step

Entrepreneur Magazine covered me for the first time, with a video no less, in Are People Born Leaders? The story begins Joshua Spodek, author of Leadership Step by Step: Becoming the Person Others Follow, talks about how people aren’t born leaders but instead develop leadership skills throughout life as a result of the obstacles life throws at them. He states that every great leader has learned leadership, but “no one’s born leading.” Spodek also says he treats leadership as a performance-based field and that people have to practice being good, effective leaders -- much like one has to practice playing the…

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See me on Leadership, the Environment, and Navigating Your Business’s Greatest Challenges November 2 in Manhattan

See me next Thursday, November 2 at the NY Public Library Science, Industry, and Business branch in midtown Manhattan. I'm honored to present at such a prestigious and storied institution. As I'm approaching launching my podcast, Leadership and the Environment, I'll speak on our sore need for leadership in the environment, as well as how it applies to the greatest challenge most leaders face: leading people without using authority. Whether your greatest concern is your business, your personal or professional development, or the environment, you will enjoy the event and gain skills you can use that day. The event is…

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Videos and a short history of my invention and Submedia, the company I co-founded in 1999

Ten or fifteen years ago most people knew me through Submedia, the company I co-founded to market I technology I conceived of in 1996. My invention The technology was a display we'd install on subway tunnel walls that looked to riders between stations like a movie screen outside the subway car windows. From a business perspective, we were a billboard company: we installed the displays at our cost, sold media to advertisers who wanted large audiences, and shared revenue with our landlords---transit agencies. From a technological perspective we created a new medium that reached people where no one had before,…

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Using Emotions As a Leadership Essential

Joan Sotkin hosts The Prosperity Show podcast and today posted "Using Emotions As a Leadership Essential," her conversation with me. The show's subtitle is A holistic approach to business and financial success, which is what we covered: business from a holistic perspective---about emotions, motivations, learning, and more. It's what she covers in general, without getting ethereal or too theoretical. As a bonus you get to hear birds chirping in the background since I was at in the yard. Listen to the conversation. Here are the show notes: Joshua Spodek, bestselling author of Leadership Step by Step, is an Adjunct Professor…

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Last chance to improve your coaching with free admission to the premier online coaching summit for two readers!

Yesterday I announced that I'm offering two free passes to my readers for the premier online coaching summit---World Business and Executive Coach Summit (WBECS) online summit---which starts TOMORROW. If you're interested in one of those passes, email me how it will help you help others. Please make the subject "Spodek WBECS". I'll pick two people at random today who are subscribed to my newsletter (my page has subscription forms). A random drawing seems the most fair way to me. Click here to learn why WBECS is so awesome (hint: it's mostly the speakers, both quality and quantity). About WBECS: With…

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NYU Students Speak About Joshua Spodek’s Entrepreneurship and Leadership Courses

I recently met with two groups of students who took my leadership and entrepreneurship courses at NYU, Charlie Rose-style. I believe the 9 students represent the experiences of the majority of students who took my courses and did the exercises conscientiously. They included undergraduates who took my courses as freshmen and adult professionals founding or running successful businesses they founded and ran for decades. These videos are the first of more to come from these conversations. Two are mostly edited. The third is still in progress. I think they speak for themselves so here they are: Six entrepreneurship students…

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I’m not a total failure

My passion lately has been my talk and other work on leadership and the environment. I've progressed a lot by the measure of my talk going farther without triggering automatic responses to push back. But by the important measure of someone agreeing to change behavior to pollute less, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, consume less resources, or the like, as of this morning, I couldn't think of anyone who took on a challenge. In other words, I felt I failed. Despite working hard for months to develop my talk, giving it many times to many audiences, framing the challenge as improving…

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Happy 200th Birthday to Henry David Thoreau

My post on today, "Happy 200th Birthday to Henry David Thoreau," (the editors changed the headline) began Happy Birthday to Henry David Thoreau, a True Family Businessman The entrepreneur and supporter of self-reliance, simplicity, and small government was born 200 years ago. 200 years ago today, Henry David Thoreau was born. July is a big Thoreau month. On July 4, 1845 he moved to live by Walden Pond, pictured above, for 2 years. He spent a night in jail, July 24 or 25, 1846, to avoid supporting slavery, inspiring generations. Most periodicals reporting on his birthday talk about nature,…

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Entrepreneur Magazine quoted me on Nelson Mandela

Joshua Steimle quoted me today in Entrepreneur's "11 Modern Leadership Lessons from History's Masters: Helen Keller. Theodore Roosevelt. Ann Bradstreet. Nelson Mandela: Who inspired you?" I'm honored to be a member of an ensemble cast of authors, gurus, and influencers including Simon Sinek, Robert Cialdini, Marshall Goldsmith, Geoff Smart, Gretchen Rubin, Ryan Holiday, Leonard Kim, and more. I had recently finished reading Nelson Mandela's autobiography when Joshua interviewed me, so he wasn't a hard choice. Since you should read the whole article, I don't think I'm giving anything away by quoting the part including me: Nelson Mandela No one likes…

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Patagonia founder acting on his values, even at the company’s expense. Still works out.

I rarely simply post someone else just talking, but my focus lately on motivating people to act on their values against comfort and convenience has resulted in such a desert that the video below was too refreshing not to share. No one I talk to considers avoiding one flight. No one who visits can stop bringing garbage. Yet this man keeps choosing actions that would appear to hurt his company, yet he's become a billionaire and they haven't. For example (at 38:18 in the second video below), he had his company research the toxicity of materials his company used. When…

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The Conscious Millionaire: How to Develop Effective Leadership Skills

J V Crum III hosts a podcast called the Conscious Millionaire. He helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs succeed. He also interviewed me and posted our conversation today. He and I have talked before and since and I like his mission and approach, which I've learned from. For example, he's inspired me to include him in my Leadership and the Environment slide show for his using a diabetes diagnosis and vastly improve his life. We spoke about the shortcomings of traditional education and our common experiences learning more effectively through experience, which develops authenticity, genuineness, integrity, etc. I walked through exercises from my…

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The Leadership and the Environment Podcast: The First Recording

When I get the podcast up and running, I'll interview guests. I already have audio content, so I'll post it now. In particular, I'm speaking on leadership and the environment Tuesday at NYU-Stern, 6pm-8pm. Register here to attend! I recorded myself practicing, so I will post that practice recording as my first podcast post. This page doesn't look glamorous, but it's a start. I'm also publicly showing it so you can see it's development. I expect the podcast to become important and I think transparency will help motivate people to see that they can do things that become important. Click…

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The Leadership and the Environment Podcast: It Starts Here and Now

Everyone wants a cleaner environment and recognizes human behavior is trashing it. We can't stop ourselves because of the systems we created that make it convenient, comfortable, fun, and in nearly every way emotionally rewarding to pollute except that it's against our values of leaving the world better than we found it. Only you know your values and what better means to you, but I've never met anyone who didn't consider cleaner air and water better. We don't want to pollute, yet our systems make us. So few people act to reduce their pollution, forcing us to rationalize why it's…

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What will you fix the toilet for?

My Inc. post today, "What will you fix the toilet for?," begins What Will You Fix the Toilet For? How much do you love your work? This simple question can tell you. White-collar workers Consider the banker, consultant, or other multinational corporate worker. He or she demands high compensation, business class travel arrangements, and so on. No one would think of asking them to do manual labor, let alone janitorial tasks. They're above all that. That's because their jobs are so valuable and meaningful, right? Think again. Entrepreneurs and founders Consider the entrepreneur or founder--someone who feels ownership of the…

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Science: This Remote Paradise Is Most Trashed Spot on Earth

My Inc. post today, "Science: This Remote Paradise Is Most Trashed Spot on Earth," begins serious but connects it to entrepreneurship and leadership. It starts: Science: This Remote Paradise Is Most Trashed Spot on Earth Two scientists report that this once-pristine paradise on Earth, now covered with plastic junk. Leaders and entrepreneurs can act. If you haven't heard, you must have been hiding under a rock. Or maybe a piece of useless plastic junk: A pristine paradise is covered with the greatest density of garbage measured, mostly plastic trinkets whose existence improved the life of no one, according to a…

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