Leadership, Paris, the Environment, and You

My Inc. post today, "Leadership, Paris, the Environment, and You," begins Leadership, Paris, the Environment, and You This is our opportunity to lead, as citizens. Will we take up the charge? Are you, like Elon Musk, outraged at President Trump pulling out of the Paris climate accord? Do you, like the CEOs of General Electric and Goldman Sachs, believe the decision will hurt America's economy? Putting aside your feelings and beliefs, look at your behavior: Do you produce less greenhouse emissions than the Paris agreement calls for? For comparison, one round-trip flight across the country flying coach uses up three-quarters…

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Leadership and the Environment podcast episode #2.5: My latest keynote slide show [audio only]

Still a work in progress, below is my latest keynote on Leadership and the Environment. This version is the audio of me practicing the slide show, not in front of an audience, so I'm not as dynamic as I would be before an audience. Since it's still a work in progress, please don't judge it as a finished product. Instead, please send suggestions for improvements, which I welcome. My main next steps are to shorten it and cut redundancy. I welcome suggestions, invitations, and so on. [EDIT: click here for the audio]

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Leadership and the Environment podcast episode #2: My latest keynote slide show

Still a work in progress, below is my latest keynote on Leadership and the Environment. This version is me practicing the slide show, not in front of an audience, so I'm not as dynamic as I would be before an audience. Since it's still a work in progress, please don't judge it as a finished product. Instead, please send suggestions for improvements, which I welcome. My main next steps are to shorten it and cut redundancy. I welcome suggestions, invitations, and so on. [EDIT: click here for the video]

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The Leadership and the Environment Podcast: The First Recording

When I get the podcast up and running, I'll interview guests. I already have audio content, so I'll post it now. In particular, I'm speaking on leadership and the environment Tuesday at NYU-Stern, 6pm-8pm. Register here to attend! I recorded myself practicing, so I will post that practice recording as my first podcast post. This page doesn't look glamorous, but it's a start. I'm also publicly showing it so you can see it's development. I expect the podcast to become important and I think transparency will help motivate people to see that they can do things that become important. Click…

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The Leadership and the Environment Podcast: It Starts Here and Now

Everyone wants a cleaner environment and recognizes human behavior is trashing it. We can't stop ourselves because of the systems we created that make it convenient, comfortable, fun, and in nearly every way emotionally rewarding to pollute except that it's against our values of leaving the world better than we found it. Only you know your values and what better means to you, but I've never met anyone who didn't consider cleaner air and water better. We don't want to pollute, yet our systems make us. So few people act to reduce their pollution, forcing us to rationalize why it's…

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Leadership and the Environment: See me speak THIS TUESDAY, May 30, at 6pm

The Titanic has a hole in its hull and it's taking on water. We're past needing to keep measure the flow rate and size of the hole. It's time to act. I support continued science, education, and legislation, but what is missing from pollution and climate change is effective leadership. Billions of people want to reduce their contributions to global warming but feel their efforts would be wasted if few others acted too. People want to know their actions will make a difference, to feel part of a community, to expect their actions will improve their lives, not become pointless…

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Science: This Remote Paradise Is Most Trashed Spot on Earth

My Inc. post today, "Science: This Remote Paradise Is Most Trashed Spot on Earth," begins serious but connects it to entrepreneurship and leadership. It starts: Science: This Remote Paradise Is Most Trashed Spot on Earth Two scientists report that this once-pristine paradise on Earth, now covered with plastic junk. Leaders and entrepreneurs can act. If you haven't heard, you must have been hiding under a rock. Or maybe a piece of useless plastic junk: A pristine paradise is covered with the greatest density of garbage measured, mostly plastic trinkets whose existence improved the life of no one, according to a…

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Leadership and the Environment: It starts here

I'm talking more about the lack of leadership I see regarding the environment and global warming. I've never met anyone who didn't want to make the world a better place or who opposed clean air and water, but we were born into a world that makes it difficult to avoid polluting it. As everyone knows, if billions of us don't change our behavior, we could face big natural problems. Since no one else is stepping up, or don't have the skills, awareness, and credentials to, I am. My friend Lee Kuczewski and I have talked about the topic. He's wanted…

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Nearly everyone is misguided on global warming

The New York Times has a series on Antarctica. As usual, like everyone, they focus on what people are doing now: For scientists working in Antarctica, the situation has become a race against time. I support scientists and I understand newspapers want to engage readers to attract more of them and sell more ads, but the story that scientists are collecting data is old news. More old news and pointless reporting: these scientists understand that political leaders — and cities already feeling the effects of a rising sea — need clearer forecasts about the consequences of emissions. They get to…

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How science improves leadership and coaching: My conversation with Ron Potter

Does a background in science help someone lead? ... does it help someone coach? If so, how? I spoke with longtime leadership and executive coach Ron Potter, who came from an engineering and technical background to coach executives at top levels of major global companies, about how our backgrounds help. We covered: How a science and technical background helps us understand and work with emotions better than others ... and the limits of rationality ... and how to work with them effectively, calmly, and productively How science helps change beliefs, freeing yourself and teams from mental jails How a science…

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Personal responsibility, leadership, and global warming

Global initiatives miss the one big change you, the person reading these words, have control over and nobody else does, which is your behavior. If you don't change what you have control over, why would you expect or suspect anybody else would? Will you change what you can? Though I can't prove it, I know that if you do and you stick with it, however much it looks like sacrifice now, you will be glad you did. In fact, you will rank it among the best changes you've made in your life. The above words were my response to a…

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Op/ed Friday: How climate change scientists are undermining efforts to slow global warming

I wrote how much my visit to Columbia's Department of Earth and Environmental Studies left me. The scientists, who know more about global warming than anyone, 1) didn't seem to change their polluting behavior and 2) to the extent they tried to influence others, did so ineffectively, or even counterproductively. They shared information, expecting that people would change their behavior for learning the information. Not only did the information not influence their own behavior, facts rarely change behavior, especially away from comfort and convenience, as evidenced by the global obesity rates in the face of our knowing more about nutrition…

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What 80s pop music teaches us about global warming

Most people seem to view acting to avoid polluting and caring about the environment as deprivation and sacrifice. They seem to ask, "why should I sacrifice something I like, like flying, meat, air conditioning, etc? If billions of others don't, then what I do doesn't matter. The result is most of the world, or at least most of America, contributing to global warming beyond nearly any contribution by anyone in history, well beyond the Paris agreement's allotment per person. For me the answer is clear, that behaviors that pollute less, like not flying, eating fresh vegetables, and dressing for the…

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The Great Barrier Reef’s Demise and You

According to The Guardian: Great Barrier Reef at 'terminal stage': scientists despair at latest coral bleaching data ‘Last year was bad enough, this is a disaster,’ says one expert as Australia Research Council finds fresh damage across 8,000km I read this at a message board for geeks and entrepreneurs and shared the following, which I wanted to share here: Many posts here about how sad and disgusted people are. Not much about people taking personal responsibility. What do people think the carrying capacity of the planet means? Sustaining more humans means sacrificing other life that competes for our resources. It…

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If no one is leading in the environment, maybe I’ll have to

After my disillusioning visit and presentation to the scientists at Columbia's Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, I attended a presentation of a couple NYU researchers who study and teach about our garbage and waste. One studied and documented the amount of waste hospitals create, which is more than you'd expect. The other described how New York City developed its Department of Sanitation, how that department cleaned the city, and some of how it handles the city's garbage today. The talks were engaging and their results clear and informative, but I felt they missed the point, like they were measuring…

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Why Do We Dream Big About Everything Except Changing Our Behavior to Pollute Less?

My Inc. article today, "Why Do We Dream Big About Everything Except Changing Our Behavior to Pollute Less?," responded to a New York Times opinion piece yesterday that I found lame, even sad. My piece begins Why Do We Dream Big About Everything Except Changing Our Behavior to Pollute Less? A New York Times editorial illustrates our limited vision about our shared world Inc. readers are resourceful. We dream big. We entrepreneurs and visionaries are inspired by our predecessors in science, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership, NASA, and so on. People who launched humans to the moon, doubled transistors per chip every…

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365 days without flying

My Inc. article yesterday "365 days without flying," began 365 Days Without Flying Leadership means taking responsibility for my actions and empathy for those affected It's so easy to think greenhouse gases come from "other people," but when I learned that a flight across the country polluted roughly one year of driving, I could no longer tell myself flying wasn't that big a deal. So I told myself I would not fly for one year. I returned from my last trip March 23, 2016, so today marks day 365. Everyone loves travel, so I probably lost most readers who don't…

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My disillusion from visiting Columbia’s Earth and Environmental Science Department

I'll get in trouble for describing this visit as one of the most disillusioning interactions I've had for a long time. This post is part of a work in progress, of me disentangling my thoughts and impressions to figure out how to act in a community I'm partly an outsider, but whose involvement I consider critical for achieving goals I consider important. I welcome perspectives. I know I didn't write that clearly. You can tell from the date in the picture below that I've taken nearly a month to process my thoughts to reach this level. It will take a…

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Op/ed Friday: How climate change scientists are failing climate change initiatives

I teach leadership and I am passionate about reducing global warming. Global warming is a global effect meaning changing it will require global efforts, meaning changing behavior on a global scale. Changing behavior is leadership. In other words, changing global warming patterns requires leadership, no matter what technological solutions we find. Global warming leadership: is there any? I've been asking people lately to name effective leaders---people achieving their goals by motivating and influencing people---in the field of global warming. I recommend pausing reading to think of names yourself. After you guess, I'll tell you who is leading most effectively by…

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Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese, and Trent Reznor’s Important but Flawed Statement

My Inc.com article today, "Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese, and Trent Reznor's Important but Flawed Statement," began Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese, and Trent Reznor's Important but Flawed Statement Before the Flood brings global warming to your living room and Hollywood. But does it lead to changing the behavior that causes it? Leonardo Di Caprio played Romeo, the lead in Titanic, then the highest grossing film ever, and won an Oscar fighting a bear. Martin Scorsese is the most Oscar-nominated director alive, having revolutionized film making and directing over half a century. Their movies earned 31 Oscar nominations and grossed $1.3 billion.…

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Two big problems with how we work on global warming, and solutions

I recommend Before the Flood, a documentary on global warming by Leonardo Di Caprio, Martin Scorcese, and others, including music by Trent Reznor. It's free on YouTube [EDIT: it keeps getting removed, though people seem to repost it so if you search you may find it]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxGOQDiWImA Two big problems Problem #1: the people who know what's happening---the scientists---are unskilled at influencing others and the people skilled at influencing others, like Di Caprio, don't have credibility as actors and celebrities. The result is that the most influential people come from neither group, but from groups with personal interests, like the…

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How not to be afraid to be yourself, Italian style

The other day I was interviewed for a podcast (I'll link to it when they edit and post it). The interviewer asked me how I accomplished so much. I told him and his listeners to look up sidchas on my blog. Everyone who aspires to greatness knows the importance of building discipline, integrity, dedication, and other skills. I accomplish things by acting by my values. I practice with small challenges like daily exercise, daily writing, cold showers, and so on. Almost nobody does these things or their equivalent for them, yet they want the benefits. You have to do things…

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Op/Ed Fridays: How travel distorts your values

My Inc.com story today, "On the Road Too Much? How Travel Warps Your Values and What To Do About It" begins On the Road Too Much? How Travel Warps Your Values and What To Do About It Everyone cares about the environment until they get on a plane Would you mind someone burning your house down if they gave you a dollar for your troubles? Would you do an activity that led you to lose perspective so much that you couldn't tell the difference? This article is about values, the most important foundation of leadership, business, and relationships, or close to…

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Wasting less, could still waste yet less

On January 27th I made a video about starting a new trash bag for my waste. I predicted I would take six months to fill it. With a guest staying over, we ended up filling it in just over four person-months. I think I can produce less waste, but I'm pleased with how I did so far. In no way did I feel constrained. On the contrary, I felt less confined by stuff and certainly less dirty, having less garbage around. Here's a video about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MYxs6wAdUk Efficiency and Responsibility Why do I post about garbage? Who cares about it?…

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Want to run leaner? Waste less. Literally: produce less waste.

The videos below aren't glamorous. They're about trash---regular household trash. Our world is swimming in garbage. The business world is obsessed with reducing waste and improving efficiency, but only for what it accounts for, which rarely includes actual physical waste, which taxpayers pay for carting away to landfills, where it slowly seeps out to the ecosphere. Most of us wish businesses were held accountable for other forms of waste, like pollution. How about you and your personal waste? Do you hold yourself accountable for your waste? Most people, when asked to account for their waste---how much they pollute---point out how…

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