“The Mandela of the Environment”—profiled in Wildpreneurs

Longtime podcast listeners have heard my struggle that began with seeing leadership as the main missing element on sustainability nobody is acting on, distinguishing leadership from management. In short, I saw no Mandela of the Environment and felt my best option would be to fill in the role---not to act like Mandela exactly, since the situations differ, but to take on a comparable role. Adopting the mantle seemed a no-win proposition. Failing would lead people to say, "Who did you think you were, anyway? Who tries to become a historical figure like him?" Success would mean likely attack from the…

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Special invitation to sneak preview I Am Greta

As a proud member of Flight Free USA, where I've pledged another joyful year of not flying, I'm extending to you the invitation they extended to me. I just watched it. It's touching and honest as a documentary and she is honest, genuine, and authentic as a leader and person. After years of people asking me, confused, why I would act in service of the environment, asking me why I'm "so extreme" about not polluting, I feel one person who understands me and acts. She acts differently than I do, but we can all learn from her. I urge you…

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The Story of Plastic panel video

Here is the wonderful panel discussion we hosted on The Story of Plastic, October 22. https://youtu.be/FWV-Opm5LNg The Panelists Each panelist has appeared on my podcast. I’ll embed their conversations below so you can learn more about them in the context of sustainability leadership (J. B.’s episode is still being edited, but I’ll post a couple videos I recorded of personal reflections on his book). Eric Adams, elected the 19th Borough President of Brooklyn in November 2013, he previously served as New York State Senator for the 20th District. https://player.acast.com/leadership-and-the-environment/episodes/339-brooklyn-borough-president-eric-adams-food-matters#?secret=TvuhrZv3bF J. B. MacKinnon, author of The Once and Future World—a bestseller…

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The Story of Plastic panelists

I can't wait for Thursday's Story of Plastic panel. I wish we didn't live in a world that merited it, but we do and I consider the movie and expert panel one of the best things we can do about it. Everyone who has watched tells me they learned more than expected and are glad they watched. I've spoken to several people about the movie, but not yet hundreds so I look forward to seeing you all. We're at triple the registrants we expected with more registering all the time. The Story of Plastic people are happy to accommodate. If…

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My keynote and panel at Swedish Food Tech’s Big Meet

Speaking at last years 9th annual Sustainology hosted by the Swedish American Chamber of Commerce led to speaking and participating in a panel at this year's Swedish Food Tech Big Meet. We originally planned for me to speak and lead a demonstration at the event planned for the spring. We had nearly locked down the sailing plans when the pandemic struck. I loved participating by internet, but would have loved more to sail there in person, cook my famous no-packaging vegan stew for the crowd, and tasted the food from the renowned chefs participating. Soon! I spoke to Johan, whom…

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Beth Comstock on The Story of Plastic

The Story of Plastic may be challenging to watch in the gritty reality of what plastic waste is doing to our world. But it also offers hope by showing us people acting and making change in surprising and effective ways around the world. It invites us all to join them.Beth Comstock, Former CMO and Vice Chair of GE, Director at Nike, Trustee of The National Geographic Society EDIT: after reflecting on the movie, in a later email Beth added: The more I think about it, the more that movie makes me mad---mad at how we've ignored the issue, it's impossible to ignore…

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When facts influence, when they make people dig in.

People with causes often share facts to influence others. Sometimes the facts work, sometimes they annoy the other person, even when that person could use the fact. I figured out why, or at least one reason. When people feel powerless information makes them feel ashamed, frustrated, and the like. Since they feel they can't do anything, they see the information as highlighting the problem and makes them feel bad. They'll tend to want you to go away. They'll perceive you as misunderstanding them and therefore as having no useful reason to share. When they feel powerful, information motivates them. They'll…

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353: I don’t want to act on the environment

I think I've accidentally led people astray, sharing how much I enjoy acting in stewardship. I would prefer doing anything I wanted whenever and wherever, on my terms---that is, if I didn't have to consider how my behavior affected others, especially those powerless to stop my effects from hurting them. A worker uses a rope to move through a pile of empty plastic bottles at a recycling workshop in Mumbai June 5, 2014. According to the United Nations Environment Programme website, World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5 to raise global awareness and motivate action for environmental protection.…

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Who is responsible for pollution?

Talk about pollution, and people point their fingers in different directions. Many people point to Asia as polluting more. For example, this chart says Asian countries pollute the ocean more. Look at where all the so-called mismanaged plastic waste comes from---that is, plastic that makes it into the ocean. East Asia looks horrible! But look at the plastic waste per capita. The US dominates, with a few countries in Europe and elsewhere contributing, but without our total population. We see similar results for other pollution per capita. The media shows Asian cities like Beijing and New Delhi, but western nations…

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Signs of hope

Frankly, I don't see many signs of hope for us to handle the environment. Walking around my neighborhood, I'd say maybe 20 percent of people are wearing masks. Bars and restaurants are packing people within six feet of each other. Headlines about Texas, Florida, and Arizona show people's cavalier attitudes leading to opinion over nature. Still, here are a few signs of hope. Ozone: humanity banded together to ban CFCs. We took decades to do it, but who were the doomsayers who got it all wrong? Those who said we couldn't do it. CVS cigarettes: the chain chose to stop…

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“Our Finest Hour, If We Choose”, in Kosmos Quarterly

I feel honored that Kosmos Journal's Summer Quarterly 2020 published my first piece for them, Our Finest Hour, If We Choose. Kosmos Quarterly | a peer-reviewed e-journal of transformational writing, spoken word, video, music and art. Each Kosmos Quarterly is a deep dive into a special theme through the lens of transformation. Kosmos convenes a new Editorial Circle, each season to cross-pollinate ideas and share the fruits of their practice around the emerging theme of the Quarterly. The magazine is beautifully laid out and written, containing equal parts aesthetic beauty and thought-provoking content. Here's the cover: Here are the contents, including my piece: My…

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My new challenge to help people pollute less

The four-step process I describe in my first TEDx talk goes: What does the environment mean to you? What do you think about when you act on the environment?I invite you at your option to think of something to do to act on that meaning or motivation?Make it a SMART goalSchedule a follow-up conversation to hear how it goes. My new challenge I developed another challenge for when someone practices something that pollutes or hurts others and they want to decrease. For example, someone who mows their lawn with a riding mower, so far thinking there was no alternative. This…

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The New Right Network hosted me for its Environment Town Hall. Watch the Video.

Few associate environmental action with the American political right. Many think that community doesn't care about clean air, water, and land. I don't buy it. I think they care as much as anyone. How they act is another story, but I see almost no one on the American political left acting any more. I believe politics has made a wedge issue out of something everyone cares about, leading one side to smugly say they're right while not acting, while the other says, "you're telling us what to do buy you aren't doing it yourselves," so nobody acts and everyone feels…

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Elon Musk isn’t helping nature

People keep citing Elon Musk as helping the environment. As best I can tell, most things he does harm the environment---that is, they lower the earth's ability to sustain life and human society. He might think he's helping, but I see the pattern going the other way, as I described in my podcast post and episode, Technology won’t solve environmental issues and you know it. One electric car compared to an internal combustion engine car saves fuel, but he wants to sell as many as possible. His overall strategy increases overall consumption, just as the Watt steam engine led to…

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The Market and the Good podcast hosts me for two episodes

Chris Gassman of The Market and the Good podcast posted two episodes with me. The first covered my work in under 10 minutes. Since I described my podcast 4-step process, he chose to try it out, which we did for the second episode, as a deep dive. Most podcast hosts shy away from being guests on their shows. They tend to feel vulnerable at answering questions, especially about stewardship. Chris went the other way, embracing vulnerability and responsibility, as leaders do. Check out the episodes:

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Leadership and the Environment Sweden launches!

Ledarskap och miljön Sverige (in English Leadership and the Environment Sweden) launched today! It is "En podd om att agera pÃ¥ sina värderingar för naturen och att finna glädje och mening i det" or "A podcast about acting on your values for nature and finding joy and meaning in it." Beautiful! I'm proud to be the first guest. Here's the first episode: https://shows.acast.com/ledarskap-och-miljon/ Why start a new branch of Leadership and the Environment? I've shared for a while the opportunity to start new branches of Leadership in the Environment X, where X is something you love that I'm not, for…

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How Bill Gates and the 1% can help the environment

I posted the following to my Psychology Today blog: Image courtesy Freepng.com An article today, Bill Gates Thinks That The 1% Should Foot The Bill To Combat Climate Change, said, "Bill Gates believes that private investors should foot the bill for increased spending on technologies to fight global climate change. He has pledged to commit $2 billion himself." Does something strike you as disingenuous? Don't Gates's yachts, jets, and mansions burn through fossil fuels more than nearly anyone in history? When one person's actions matter Before you say, "he's only one person. He could only infect a few people, what's…

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My third TEDx talk: People Don’t Want to Do Small Things. They Want to Do Meaningful Things

TED and TEDxConnecticutCollege posted my third TEDx talk (scroll down for my first two). I can't express my gratitude for the organizers for the opportunity to develop and deliver this talk. The event was February 29, just as the pandemic was starting. I believe the pandemic only makes my message more valuable. People Don't Want to Do Small Things. They Want to Do Meaningful Things. https://youtu.be/3GMTpaxlLGg I consider it my most meaningful talk. Times rehearsing it, tears streamed down my face, thinking of role models who led us through challenges before---especially that boat. If you like it, please share and…

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My keynote at My Green Lab’s Sustainability Summit (Sneak preview of my third TEDx talk)

[EDIT (May 4): My third TEDx talk just went up. I recommend watching it.] I gave the following talk for My Green Lab's Sustainability Summit. I recommend watching it to the end. It's based on my third TEDx talk, for TEDxConnecticutCollege, which TED is still editing but should appear soon. We're probably all used to keynotes delivered from people's homes, but on March 24th it was still new. The people I mention in the talk My sledding hill, covered in the Philadelphia Inquirer: "the hill on the northwest side of the house was called Tommy's Hill, considered for generations one…

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My keynote at Sustainology 2019 (video)

I gave the lead off keynote talk at the 9th annual Sustainology, hosted by the Swedish American Chamber of Commerce at Citi's headquarters in Tribeca, Manhattan on November 12, 2019. 12 Nov. 2019 New York NY USA Sustainology Summit 201912 Nov. 2019 New York NY USA Sustainology Summit 201912 Nov. 2019 New York NY USA Sustainology Summit 201912 Nov. 2019 New York NY USA Sustainology Summit 2019 Sustainology's mission “An Impact Unicorn is a disruptive company impacting over 1 billion people”Let’s measure the success of unicorn companies through impact instead of dollars! In a single day, ‘Sustainology Summit – One…

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Hear me on The Professional podcast with Gary Roth

Gary Roth invited me to a conversation with him for his podcast, The Professional Podcast. Even if you've heard me on other people's podcasts, you'll hear how my messages on leadership and environmental leadership are evolving. First, here's the conversation (or click for his site) https://anchor.fm/theprofessionalpodcast/episodes/Episode-17-Interview-with-Joshua-Spodek-e9vkoi About The Professional Podcast The Professional Podcast is dedicated to becoming the best at what you do. It's about being the best at work, at home, at a party or on the field. We're going tackle the things that few people talk about. Topics like self-education, etiquette and relationship building will be explored in…

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See me on Magamedia.org for one of my favorite interviews, “A Different Look at Climate Change”

Yes, that's Maga as in Donald Trump's slogan "Make America Great Again," and yes, I consider it one of my favorite interviews. To clarify, we spoke about the environment more generally than just climate. Watch and listen to our conversation Magamedia.org's other articles on climate criticize Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Al Gore, Greta Thunberg, the Green New Deal, and others. One article calls climate change: a hoax, folks. It is a get rich scam for politicians that liberals have fallen for. Of course scientists say it is a problem. Trillions of dollars moving to their industry is at stake. Of course they…

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Hear me on the Leadership Happy Hour with USN Lt. Commander Chip Lutz

First, a few words about the man who hosted me on this wonderful podcast. From his about page: Lieutenant Commander Chip Lutz, USN(Ret), MSEd, CSP, is the President and founder of Unconventional Leader, LLC and has 30 years of solid leadership experience. A retired Navy Officer, he has had two command tours and also served as the Director of Security for Naval District Washington, DC during September 11th 2001.  In that capacity,  he was responsible for the safety and security of 25,000 people on 6 different Naval Installations in the National Capital Region during one of our Nations most trying…

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Oprah, how obesity spreads, and the environment

How obesity spreads You probably heard about a 2007 New England Journal of Medicine study, The Spread of Obesity in a Large Social Network Over 32 Years, implying that Obesity can spread from person to person, much like a virus, according to researchers. When one person gains weight, close friends tend to gain weight too as the New York Times stated in, Obesity spreads to friends, study concludes. It continued: people were most likely to become obese when a friend became obese. That increased one's chances of becoming obese by 57 percent.There was no effect when a neighbor gained or…

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My second TEDx talk, “What everyone gets wrong about the environment” and how to get it right

I am deeply grateful to the TEDxWaltham team for inviting me and hosting the event, October 5, 2019. https://youtu.be/sTYiHr1lu10 Here's the blurb: Josh shares his remarkable, radical, personal journey to more sustainable living -- away from a standard American diet (and life) to his vegan, nearly package-free diet and away from a jet-setting lifestyle to not flying for 4.5 years and counting -- and his profound discovery of a common misconception about acting on environmental values that can help each help each of us live more sustainably and enjoy it.Joshua Spodek PhD MBA is the bestselling author of Leadership Step…

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