How Not to Give Up

A friend emailed to respond to yesterday's post After the Pride and Queer Liberation Marches 2022: Washington Square Park wrecked again. I could cry to say "I have to admit I can’t even get myself to watch the videos, the images are truly horrifying! I don’t know what to say…" I responded with a sentiment I've posted to this blog before, but I think it bears repeating. Leading in unknown territory, like toward stewardship, where people say they want to go there but do the opposite, is emotionally grueling. It's lonely and full of people misunderstanding you. Most people act…

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Coach John Wooden on sustainability

I just finished reading Wooden: A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections On and Off the Court. His coaching tells more how to live sustainably as individuals and a culture than anything else I remember reading or hearing. For those who don't know, from Wikipedia: John Wooden (1910 – 2010) was an American basketball coach and player. He won ten NCAA national championships in a 12-year period as head coach for the UCLA Bruins, including a record seven in a row. No other team has won more than four in a row. His teams won a record 88 consecutive games. Wooden…

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How Biden can pass his program with bipartisan support. With global support.

Joe Biden can lead in a lot more ways than using authority, which is the least effective tool of a leader. The President of the United States is not some guy on the street. He's at a leverage point of a system, with great influence. Imagine if Biden stood with the protesters of a pipeline. Imagine he simply took an inventory of his personal waste and minimized it and showed the inevitable increase in productivity and effectiveness people don't believe until they experience it. Maybe it sounds crazy or like it may not work, What he's did didn't work either.…

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Advice to a young adult in 2021

A father in one of my online communities asked people for what advice they'd give to a twelve-year-old. I'm not a father and haven't been twelve since the 1980s, so I don't know how appropriate for that age, but here was my answer: Not knowing the kid (barely knowing myself), I can only guess at his interests and situation, but here's what I would want someone to tell me if I were becoming an adult today. If not appropriate for twelve years old, well, I haven't been that age in a while so don't mind if you filter it. I…

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Pandemic Fatigue? How to Achieve Pandemic Thriving

I posted on handling what people call pandemic fatigue to Thrive Global today: Pandemic Fatigue? How to Achieve Pandemic Thriving. Here's the text of the article: When I learned I would be locked down indefinitely, knowing we were all heading into unknown territory, I looked for role models. Who had handled such a situation successfully? Nelson Mandela had been locked down for twenty-seven years, most of that time on a cold island, breaking rocks, with a bucket for a toilet. He negotiated with presidents of the nation that locked him up and emerged to get their jobs. I could see…

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086: Awareness means nothing. Or less.

Neither the environment nor your life responds to your awareness. They respond to your behavior. People who speak the truth say, "I'm telling the truth." People who lie say the same thing. People who are aware say they are aware. People who are unaware say the same thing too. Only we're all unaware of what we're unaware of. Saying we're aware only reveals our ignorance of our unawareness. That's pride. If you want to improve the environment or your life, claiming awareness may sound like progress and may get you social approval, but in more cases it stops people from…

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How to beat Trump

Seeing as he faces no competition yet, it's not too early to figure out how to win in the next election. I already wrote in How to get votes for Donald Trump my simple rule that if you follow it, you’ll create votes for Trump: Every time you call someone sexist, racist, xenophobic, privileged, islamophobic, mansplaining, manspreading, narcissistic, or the like, you create a new vote for Trump. including the note for those who think, “But that person is sexist!” or racist or whatever, that I’m not commenting on your rightness or wrongnesss. I’m commenting on why people vote. Our…

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How to get votes for Donald Trump

Since most people I know voted for Clinton, I presume most of my readers did. Though I don't like Trump as president, as long as tens of millions of Americans voted for him, I hope my readers represent the population more faithfully than the population of lower Manhattan. Trump's win surprised most Clinton supporters. My reaching out to Trump voters and speaking with them explained a lot to me. The Trump voters I spoke to weren't the racist, sexist, xenophobic, etc people so stupid as to vote against their own interests that Clinton supporters made them out as. The tragedy…

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Cold showers aren’t hard showers. They’re easy workouts.

Cold Showers Aren't Hard Showers. They're Easy Workouts. Confusion about their purpose scare people from realizing their value as one of the easiest, cheapest, and effective improvement practices. I've written here many times on the benefits of cold showers. I've blogged more about them. You wouldn't have clicked on the headline if you weren't curious about them or already doing them. Inc. is a community of achievers and has covered cold showers many times. Many talk about science behind their benefit, but since double-blind controlled experiments are hard--how do you create a plausible placebo?--I find credence in their effect I…

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Read my Forbes interview today by Jimmy Rohampton!

Jimmy Rohampton of Forbes caught up with and interviewed me. He posted the article today, "An Executive Coach's Best Tips On Facebook Groups, Habits And Doing Work You Love." Longtime readers who know how much I owe my success to writing daily in my blog will appreciate Jimmy's page: I found the connection helped us connect and make the interview more relevant. I was delighted to find that Forbes filed it under "The Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets." Read An Executive Coach's Best Tips On Facebook Groups, Habits And Doing Work You Love!

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“People Join Good Projects and Leave Bad Management,” My Techstory guest post

My guest post in Techstory yesterday, "People Join Good Projects and Leave Bad Management," began If you’re reading Techstory, you care about your work. You worked hard to get where you are—advanced degrees, challenging interviews, or other credentials. You don’t just show up and do what you’re told. You didn’t just choose any old project to work on. You chose something you care about. If you’re like most people who care about what they do, you probably focused on the project but not the people you’ll work with, especially the managers you report to. That’s a mistake. I’ve taught and…

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Stop Aspiring To Lead And Start Leading By Giving Support: My second guest post in Tanveer Naseer’s blog

Tanveer Naseer is the recipient of several awards and recognitions as one of the top thinkers/writers in the leadership sphere, including being recognized by Inc. Magazine as one of the Top 100 Leadership and Management Experts, earning a #3 ranking on HR Examiner’s Top 25 Online Influencers in Leadership, and being consistent ranked on numerous lists as one of Top 15 Leadership Bloggers in the world. We had great conversations preparing for and following my first guest post in his blog, "Stop Unwanted Beliefs From Sabotaging Your Self-Improvement." I wish we could have recorded them to share. They'd make a great…

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The heart of my leadership technique in a 46 second video!

On top of my column with Inc., I did a series of videos in their Inc. Video: The Playbook series. Other speakers in the series include Tim Ferriss and Tony Robbins. Yesterday we posted a video of me: How to Get Your Employees to Work With Passion subtitled Joshua Spodek, author of Leadership Step By Step, explains the importance of making members of your team comfortable sharing their motivations with you. Click here or the image below to see the video.

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Is leading with empathy and compassion soft? Will you get taken advantage of?

A reader wrote with some questions common enough from other readers to share. His second message is the common one. The first sets the context of dealing with a difficult person. Here's the first message: I'd like to know how to deal with the type who is indifferent to the possible adverse repercussions for his actions (or lack thereof) and may actually want to deliberately trigger you to intervene and micromanage even if that's the last thing you have time for and it defeats the purpose of having the individual take on a role in the first place. In other…

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Medium awarded me “Top Writer” in three categories

I'm honored that Medium awarded my column "Top Writer" in three categories. "Great Work, Joshua Spodek. Congratulations! You are now a top writer in Leadership." "Great Work, Joshua Spodek. Congratulations! You are now a top writer in Inspiration." "Great Work, Joshua Spodek. Congratulations! You are now a top writer in Self Improvement." You can do what I did to earn it I wrote my book, Leadership Step by Step, to walk you through the steps of being able to inspire others and lead them through their self-improvement. I didn't write it "just" to engage you with inspirational writing, but to…

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Stop Unwanted Beliefs From Sabotaging Your Self-Improvement: Read my guest post in Tanveer Naseer’s blog

Tanveer Naseer is the recipient of several awards and recognitions as one of the top thinkers/writers in the leadership sphere, including being recognized by Inc. Magazine as one of the Top 100 Leadership and Management Experts, earning a #3 ranking on HR Examiner’s Top 25 Online Influencers in Leadership, and being consistent ranked on numerous lists as one of Top 15 Leadership Bloggers in the world. He read an advanced copy of my book and asked me to write a guest post for his blog. I wish we could have recorded our conversation about leadership, writing, and teaching. I agreed and…

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Broaden and Deepen Your Network Using This Simple Hack

Today on Inc., my fellow columnist, Dave Kerpen, CEO of Likable Media, followed up on my recent article about sending gratitude emails. He pointed out how the practice works beyond what we expected, since he promotes gratitude exercises too. Read the article to see how the practice led us to meet and immediately and easily connect because of it. In particular, we found ourselves in the middle of a tighter circle of mutual connections of valuable people than either expected. The article, "Broaden and Deepen Your Network Using This Simple Hack," begins Broaden and Deepen Your Network Using This Simple…

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Want Results? 29 Ways to Support Your Teams

My post on today "Want Results? 29 Ways to Support Your Teams," begins Want Results? 29 Ways to Support Your Teams To achieve more or rise faster, you need great teams. Teams do as well as you support them. Do you support yours enough? If you want to achieve more for yourself, to do more for your firm, or to rise to the top, teamwork will always beat what you can do with your two hands. And any team, no matter how talented its superstars or how well supplied, runs on support from its leader. Without it, they'll falter.…

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How off-the-mark gifts destroy relationships, what to do about it, and how it helps you as a leader

Do you ever get a gift that's almost what you want, but not quite? People who know me know I don't like books, as I wrote about in "Less, please". Sometimes someone gives me a book. I don't want it. I can get it from the library across the street from me. Now I have to feel weird selling to a bookstore for $5 something you paid $25 for. What do you do about the mismatch? You feel awkward, they see you as ungrateful... If you thank them, they may buy you more of what you don't want. Others may…

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Start conversations and relationships with “passion”: vindicated by Fast Company

A reader and former NYU collaborator sent me this article from Fast Company under their "Leadership" heading: "27 Questions To Ask Instead Of "What Do You Do?" She knows my passion for effective and meaningful conversation, making people feel comfortable sharing their vulnerabilities, and supporting them on things they care about. Longtime readers will remember how I disparage "So what do you do?" as a leach that saps passion from conversation in favor of boring small talk that, by not risking hitting a vulnerability, avoids hitting what the person cares about. In my post "How to stop boring everyone you…

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Habits Are Contagious. How to Make The Science Work for You.

My article today, "Habits Are Contagious. How to Make The Science Work for You." began Habits Are Contagious. How to Make The Science Work for You. Research finds that we transmit habits like diseases, or like cures. How to use that insight to make the habits you want stick. Studies show that quitting smoking and losing weight spread through networks like diseases do. Many other behavioral changes work similarly. If you lead, you change behavior in yourself and others. You may find changing teams may change someone's behavior more than trying to change them directly. Here's relevant research: From…

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Quora Saturdays: Advice on sales and leadership

I've been answering questions on the social media site Quora for about a month. My responses are getting more views and upvotes, so I thought I'd put some here, since the posts there are like posts here for readers who don't feel like going there. I'm thinking about making a standard Saturday practice of collecting my responses here from there for the week. Since I have a month to catch up on, today's post will be long. To summarize, here are the questions I answered: What options do I have if a sales manager cannot manage but can sell? Who…

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At Princeton’s ELab: How to get job offers by acting entrepreneurially

I got a few short clips from my presentation on entrepreneurship when I spoke at Princeton’s Elab recently. In this clip I describe how to use behaving entrepreneurially to get job offers. If you want similar experiences, take my entrepreneurship course. It develops you in small steps to work up to handling interactions like this. Even if you don’t, call valuable people. Err on the side of making things happen.

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At Princeton’s ELab: How to become a “genius” entrepreneur that people want to help

I got a few short clips from my presentation on entrepreneurship when I spoke at Princeton’s Elab recently. Entrepreneurs are often so busy pitching their ideas, they miss opportunities to attract people to help them. They don't realize their pitching is leading people to evaluate them, which tends to separate them. Here I talk about how to talk to people to Improve your project Feel vested in your success See you as a genius Put you in touch with others who can help and more.

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